You look fucking pretty in that dress

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Michael and Trevor cruised all around town then went to a toy shop to buy little Adrien a nice gift for her birthday and a couple more for Jr. And the twins. They spent the whole day at a fancy restaurant and caught eyes at some celebrities, Michael who was one of them had a crowd of people surrounding their table. He was very tentative to them and tried to fulfill their every wish as best as he could. After Michael and Trevor ate and Michael entertained they left to meet at Franklin's home when he had texted him that he was now available. Franklin had a family now a caucasian wife named Heaven who's a novelist, businesswoman, and just successful overall with a line full of famous actors in her family. She met Franklin through Michael she was the daughter of an old Vinewood film actor named Jim Browlin Michael used to watch all of his films when he was a kid and was such a huge fan he reached out to him hoping he would join the cast in the second installment of his film and Jim was so honored that he said yes. When the premier came along Jim invited his daughters and Michael Invited his family along with Franklin and that's how they met, love at first sight if you ask me. They married and had three kids together Franklin Jr. who was the oldest and twin girls Hazel and Maeve they were beautiful children and Michael and Trevor adored them as their only grandchildren. "Pop pops!" Jr. yelled across the room as he rushed towards Michael and Trevor slightly knocking them down. "Jesus Kiddo you're getting pretty strong." Michael and Trevor laughed as Michael pulled him into a tight hug soon after Maeve came along with Hazel they were shy girls and hardly said a thing they mostly only spoke when their grandparents were around. They smiled at each other and then at them. "Jr. quit bothering grandpa." They oddly said at the same time. "I'm not doing anything." He turned around and stuck his tongue out at them. Everyone laughed as Michael and Trevor made their way inside the house. Heaven and Franklin hugged both Michael and Trevor and they sat in the living room conversating for hours while the home filled with children laughter, it was elation. Heaven and Franklin announced that they were expecting another child and everyone was in a joyful mood.

"That's just amazing news Heavie," Trevor said delightfully.


"How many kids you two are having?" Michael asked.

"We ain't sure yet ya'll can't see that it's too soon to tell, knuckle-heads." Franklin shook his head and laughed along with everyone else.

"We were waiting soo long to tell you we were just very excited when we found out." Heaven had the sweetest voice she was kind and sweet and she really loved anyone. Heaven and Franklin smiled at each other and shared a sweet peck while all the kids reacted and disgust laughing. Trevor was happy and he was happy for Heaven and Franklin too that's what he wanted this, to be surrounded by the laughter of children and Michael still by his side.

Michael and Trevor were now going home it was around five-thirty and once again Trevor looked sadden. Michael could see it he thought that he helped cheered him up but by the look of his face, he was disappointed to learn that he didn't succeed. "T what's wrong honey?" Trevor didn't say anything, as usual, he leaned near the car window feeling the wind blow on his face while Michael drove. Michael realized that he was near Ponsonbys and he had a good idea to take Trevor there shopping so he drove across the street once the light turned green and he made a U-turn parking the car near the front of the store. When the car stopped Trevor turned around to see where they were and Michael smiled at him as he got out the car and went around to open Trevor's side of the door. Trevor stared at him lightly as he smiled and got out. They went into the store together and looked around it wasn't a store that Trevor was all familiar with this was a high-end store and he thought he wouldn't find anything that was more to his liking there it wasn't till he came across a beautiful red dress it was shimmery and long and with a gorgeous trail. Trevor gasped and he looked at it more closely touching the fabric, he fell in love. "Mikey! do you see this dress?! ain't it pretty?" Michael smiled at him and he nodded. "It'll look even better on you." A loud scoff could be heard in the front of the store but Trevor didn't seem to notice it he was an excited kid back in Yankton who would drag his boyfriend all over town in every thrift store there was to shop for dresses and accessories. Trevor couldn't help but smile at him and went to the clerk to ask for the dress in his size but the clerk told him that she didn't have any more at all and that the one on display was the last one. Trevor nodded in disappointment and he understood but Michael wasn't having it. "bullshit!" He called out. "I'll like to buy the one on display then." The lady had an awful attitude. "We can't sell that one to you, sir,  it's on display for a reason."

"Then I'll buy it at a high price."

"We can't sell it, sir."

"Did you check the back for more at least you just came out and said that there wasn't anymore without taking  your ass to check any."

"I don't need to, I know that we sold out."

"Listen here, we ain't want any trouble the gentlemen here would just like that fuckin' dress and I'm gonna get it for him. He sighs. "Do you know who I am Lady? I am Michael fucking De Santa I own Backlot City and I own the film studio that is there too and I'm gonna buy that dress."

The lady was quiet and she walked past Trevor who was silent, took down the dress and gave it to him, and went back to the front of the store where she stood. Trevor smiled and went to try it on he later came out wearing it. It fit him well and Michael thought he looked really good in it. Michael then walked over to the clerk and paid in cash as he looked at her. "Thank you for your cooperation, keep the change, honey." And with that, they left the store and into the car driving off.

"Haha, did you see her face?! I'm really surprised you didn't get fucking pissed Trevy." Michael said contently. "Hahaha, yeah I did see her fucking face Mikey and I guess I didn't really need to I had you there, good job on not being a fucking snake." Trevor couldn't help but smile at his husband he thought what he did was really sweet. "Thanks, Mikey I really do like this dress." Michael smiled as he drove to Del Perro pier. "Don't mention it, babe." He pulled in and parked in the parking area as he heard people screaming on the rides zooming on the thrilling baby roller coaster that Del Perro had to offer. Trevor took off his shoes and he got out the car as he ran down the stairs holding his dress he could feel his feet beneath the sand and moments later the ocean. Michael smiled as he took off his shoes also and threw them into the car. He rolled his pants up as well following him. He looked so happy and Michael couldn't help but feel his heart warm he felt accomplished and Trevor was back to his enthusiastic self. "Hurry up fat ass!" Trevor waved from a distance as the sun shone against his dress. Michael walked more quickly laughing as he suddenly got to him. They held hands as they watched the sunset on the beach together it was romantic and just as it was two years ago when they became one soul again it definitely felt like old times even in Yankton. "Did I tell you, you look so pretty in that dress yet?" Trevor smiled at him as he chuckled. "Stop that shit, I don't know did you?"

"Well... you look fucking pretty in that dress Trevor De Santa."

Happy anniversary Trevor!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin