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In Trevor's dreams, all he could see is how he was left abandoned in the snow. It was cold and his nose was small and red like an all too familiar reindeer from his childhood that he used to love. He wanted to escape and leave this place and at the whim of a beautiful troll, he did. He left the snow and the child he was behind. When he opened his eyes Michael wasn't there he was surprised as he sees him every morning before he heads into work. He sat up on the bed placing his feet on the floor stretching his arms in the air as he yawed. He was still in his clothes from the night before but that was the least of his worries as he wandered around the house in search of Michael. Trevor looked around but M was nowhere to be seen. He figured he would shower and brush his teeth he knows Michael would appreciate it and he figured he was out while he was asleep or maybe he had to rush into work today whatever it was he trusted his husband.

After his hygiene he made breakfast. With the fridge fully stocked he could only think of one person as he smiled to himself he would have to go next door to check on him and thank him for his help and tell him that he and Michael have returned home safely. He cracked four eggs into the clear bowl and batted it until it was well done he continued to pour it into the hot pan as the eggs sizzled away. He toasted four slices of bread as he added a little bit of black pepper into the eggs scrabbling them. He slid the quick meal into two plates and got the orange juice out and he poured two cups as well squeezing lemon into his because that's how he liked it. After he was done he cleaned the kitchen up and headed towards the door.

He watched the snow more closely wondering where he was as he heard a small cry of a child in the distance. Trevor couldn't help but follow as he got closer to a trailer where the child whimpered quietly. They looked into each other's brown eyes.
"Don't go in there..." The little boy whispered as he sobbed. Trevor was numb as he looked at himself crying.

"Go where?" He asked softly as little Trevor pointed towards the house next door.

A warning is all he could say to himself. Before standing alone in front of his house again. Panic rose within him as he noticed that Michael's car was still here with the trunk wide open. He looked around and to his feet was blood in which he stood. A trail followed down the end of the driveway where it stopped. Trevor felt a panicked creep up to his spine as he stood there his brain trying to process what he was looking at. He felt like the child he had just seen scared, cold, and confused. All he could do is sob helplessly as he thought the worst his legs giving in beneath him dropping to the floor. He was in such distress he didn't know what to do but he found a way to get up again and quickly rushed next door. He knocked on the door profusely but no one was answering he started to bang desperately but still, there was no answer. "Wardrock!" Trevor called desperately as he sobbed outside of his house. Still no answer. He quickly ran into the garden where Mr. Wardrock hid a spare key in his favorite flower pot. Trevor quickly lifted the plant and all its roots from the pot and got the key as he ran back towards the door opening it. He looked around the house to find Mr. Wardrock dead on the floor near his bed. Trevor sobbed as his legs shooked in fear he knelt in front of his body looking more closely. He was strangled to death. As Trevor could gather he knew he suffered. As he stared at his lifeless body Trevor wiped his tears. He was angry now, pissed and he wanted answers. He slowly got off the floor and stormed out of the house and into his own going into the back where the shed was. Entering it he retrieved all his guns putting them into his black duffle bag. Making his way past the bedroom he heard his cellphone ring and he stood near the doorway staring at his phone from there. It was an unknown caller. He quickly made his way into the room and picked up his phone answering it.


"Trevor it's me, Lester-"


Lester drew in a long breath then spoke again, "I've been trying to contact you, he was Taken, Trevor."


"I'll send you the location in your trakify app. You're going up against someone very powerful so don't kill anyone all you're doing is retrieving  Michael I can't give you any details as to why he was taken but I can help you get him back."

Trevor was calm when he hung up the phone. His mind focused as he opened up the app throwing his phone on the bed. He gazed at his closet taking a deep breath finally opening it. Trevor's eyes studied his wedding dress among all the other clothes he owned. He wouldn't know what he'd do if he lost the only thing that gave his life any meaning. As he touched his dress he broke into tears. He was still sensitive as the snow child he thought he left behind back in Yankton. He realized how fragile he was and that Michael was his weakness. He felt so small and vulnerable but all he could remember was the day his dreams finally came true. He held the dress close to his chest in healing It's familiar scent of the beach as he gazed at the simple wedding band on his finger.

"It's time," he whispered into the lonely melancholy room.

Happy anniversary Trevor!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora