Its all about the money

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As any good news we all know how it starts. "What?!" An excited and familiar voice could be heard filling the room. "We're going to Los Santos to celebrate, Happy Anniversary Trevor!" From euphoric overwhelming emotions Trevor punches Michael on the face it literally surprised him, he wasn't expecting that but Michael knew he meant nothing from it he was just really worked up.

"You know I don't know how to handle myself from excitement when you tell me shit like this Mikey this is why I don't like em' i'm fucking sorry alright I got really excited I haven't been there in years."

"Two years to be exact, and yeah I get it." Michael walked himself to the kitchen to get a bag of ice he places it on his right cheek where Trevor punched him and leaned himself against the counter top. "A week of at Hotel, it's going to be special T I got everything planned out your gonna love it." Trevor walks over towards him helping him with the bag of ice. "You didn't have to sugar." T smiled at him lightly he was grateful to him and everything he does but he would have enjoyed something simple it's always been up to Michael to be over the top. "Start packing cause' we're leaving in an hour." Trevor couldn't help but give him a light kiss as he gazed into his beautiful ocean eyes and with that he turned on his heel and rushed in the bedroom to pack his bag. Michael stood in the kitchen still holding the bag of ice on his face it hurt like hell but it was worth seeing his husband content.


Michael drove from Paleto bay to Los Santos it was a four hour drive that even T had enjoyed. From time to time they would glance at each other with a smile on their faces, hold hands, or place their hand on their lap even talk about the first thing they would do once they got there. "We should have room service cause' I'm starvin' oh, then we could go see Manda or tell her we are on our way, she'll make lunch for us." Trevor smiled as he put his sun glasses on. He and Amanda had developed a girlfriend friendship over the years which was very odd and honestly had made Michael's skin crawl by the thought of it they called each other almost everyday and Trev was soo excited to see her.

"No, we'll see her last, how about Frankie I'm sure he'll be thrilled to see his ol' daddies." He says looking ahead on the rode while he drove.

"I'm sure, he'll be annoyed he hates us."
"Yeah, maybe a little but he loves us too."

T and M finally arrived at the Von Crastenburg Hotel near Del Perro Pier one of the most finest and Luxurious hotel in Los Santos T wasn't all to excited about it but he was still grateful to M for making their anniversary special a valet took the keys to the car and Michael tipped him handsomely as he usually does there was at least six porters who came for their bags and Luggage's but only two were needed for the job. As Michael and Trevor entered the fancy building numerous people greeted them upon their arrival he held T's arm into his and checked into their reservation and within minutes Michael already had a keycard into his hand and was up the elevator along with the porters and their Luggage's. "Michael you don't think this is at least a bit much." M turned and smiled at Trevor. "C'mon T it's our anniversary for two years I never do anything like this because you don't like it at least this once besides this was a gift to us from a friend I couldn't turn it down." Trevor chuckled and rolled his eyes as they walked down to their room opening the door the porter following behind them.

"I'm beginning to think this is what you wanted." Trevor said with a light voice.
"Of course I do but for us, being a film director have people nuts over you, you know." Michael opened the door to reveal a large suite with a grand bed in the middle a bar and a beautiful view over the beach and del Perro pier everything was beautiful in neutral colors and expensive. Trevor thought it was a lot more worse than downstairs but he loved the view, the bar and Michael's efforts. The porters left their bags near the entrance and asked if their was anything else they could assist them with and Michael told them that everything was fine and he tipped them really well as they left.

Happy anniversary Trevor!Where stories live. Discover now