You are enough for me

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Michaels eyes briefly fluttered as he heard the ding ring through his ears while he drove back home with Trevor in the passenger seat. He sat quietly with things on his mind. One of them is What they were going to do when they got home  the other is how life going to be from there on. He was afraid to acknowledge that everything would be the same just as it always been especially after the spontaneous decision to go back to Los Santos. Trevor didn't want things to go back to normal, not just yet at least, he wanted something new in his life to begin something exciting and special.

"What's on your pretty little mind Trev?" Michael asked as he continued to drive down the high way. Trevor gazed quietly out the window as he watched the sunset across the ocean waters he was calm and daydreaming but well aware of Michael's question he just wanted to dream a little while longer. "I'm thinking of how everyone looked when we left especially Manda and the kids, they are going to miss us." He said sadly still looking out into the ocean watching the birds fly against it's surface. "We can go back much often maybe every month or whenever you like." Trevor smiled at Michael through the side view mirror as he leaned his head against the window which was rolled down. What was left of his long shabby hair blew in the wind. He was relaxed as he gazed at Michael through the mirror. Handsome as ever even in his golden age time was fleeting it would be impossible to ask such a selfish question like that. He was enough for him he thought, Michael is enough and that was all he needed.

After hours of driving back home Michael finally arrived. He exit out the vehicle and walked around to Trevor's side of the door and opened it. He lifted his sleeping husband and took him inside their cozy little home as he cradled him in his arms like a child. There he laid him against their bed he was peaceful and Michael watched closely as he protected over him. He gently kissed his fingers and whispered that he loved him against them as he headed out the door he looked back to see his sleeping little leech and smiles as Michael was happy that they were finally back home. He loved waking up to the sound of the ocean singing to him and the smell of salt water in his nostrils first thing in the morning along with Trevor's scent from the crook of his neck always wrapped around him like a cute little leech. Coming back home to his loving husband is what truly made him euphoric but now these days he felt like somethings were missing although he tried his best to sometimes drift away from the thought of it mostly because he thought Trev already came to a point in his life that he's most comfortable and happy in he believes a sudden change could change the dynamic of their relationship so most thing have came unsaid.

Michael settled into their home their close neighbor Mr. Wardrock has been keeping an eye on the house for them while they were away. Sweet Mr. Wardrock is an older gentleman that Trevor simply adores and looks after who he considers a father and a close friend. He was kind and alone for some time until The De Santa's arrived. He lived a quiet life and married twice divorced once from his first marriage and widowed by the last. For all his life he worked as an accountant, never had children or health problems but his late wife did. He retired early to tend for her to make her last days as comfortable and special as posible. They reside in their tiny home near the beach where they liked to take walks and dance to the music from their time where it took them to their youth when they first met but one day she couldn't walk any more then by the next year she couldn't remember much either and then Mrs. Wardrock was just an empty shell of a person. She lived a good life Mr. Wardrock reassured Trevor of that when he had told him. Michael looked around he also tightened the place up and added food in the fridge too he was very grateful for that old man he didn't have to do anything all he had to do was watch the place. Michael would have to thank him in the morning by now he is definitely sleeping he thought to himself. Since he wasn't sleepy he thought he would get the luggage's out of the car and start on the laundry then probably do some paperwork he had leftover that he needed to complete. It was a very nice night it was such a shame that Trevor was already asleep it was quiet and peaceful the ocean's breeze was warm and cool as it blew through the curtains in the house. Michael slowly headed towards the door to start on his task upon opening it everything went black all he could feel was his head being bashed and the warmth of his blood spilling over his face as he dropped to the ground heavily knocked out cold then his body being dragged away into the night. His ears rung again.


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