A Remarkable Man

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It's now 7:34 AM here in sunny Los Santos and our protagonist are on their way to Amanda's Villa up in Vinewood. For Trevor it was so exciting being in the place he's seen and lived in he looked like a kid in a toy shop and Michael was pleased to see him this way. "It feels like old times doesn't it Tits?" Michael cracked a grin as Trevor turned to see him through his Aviator shades laughing. Michael pulled into the driveway of his old home parking in front of the garage like he usually did. He came out of the car and went around the other side to open the door for his husband taking his hand to help him out. "Well, then Townley." Is all Trevor managed to say and Michael smiled till he heard the door slam open.

"Oh god..."



Both of them squealed like a couple of high school girls and Trevor made his way past Michael running up the small steps and hugging Amanda tightly. "I can't believe your finally hereeeee!!! Oh, I'm soo happy to see you when I got that call that you were here in town I was thrilled!" Trevor smiled looking at her. "It took me a lot to persuade Michael to come here since Franklin Is out doing work for his businesses." Michael closed the car to the door as he walked up the steps almost annoyed but trying his best not to show it. "Oh, Michael just look at you handsome as ever." She smiled and hugged her ex-husband kissing him on his cheek. "Thank you for bringing Trev here I really missed him I know you didn't want to come here but I appreciate that you did." She smiled sweetly as she pulled apart to look at him. Michael smiled sincerely he loved that Amanda from high school. "Sure Manda, sorry I almost didn't." He chuckled. "Where the kids?" Trevor was smiling at the little girl who walked up behind Amanda and clung to her leg she was smiling back at him. "They are on their way right now let's go inside." The little girl walked towards Trevor and she put her arms out so she could be picked up by him."Wow, Adrien grew up soo quickly." Trevor was mesmerized by her as he picked her up and hugged her. She giggled uncontrollably patting his face with her little hands. "I know, she's a big girl now I'm so happy you two are here she's turning four in two days and we are throwing a birthday party for her I hope you guys will be there." Amanda walks in the house heading straight towards the kitchen as Trevor followed right behind with Adrien. Michael then walked inside the house everything was different from head to toe, more beautiful and specious, expensive, and sophisticated he liked it a lot. "Of course, we wouldn't miss it for the world." Adrien had a smile on her face that reminded Trevor of his horrible childhood and the only person who could make him smile like that during those dark times, was his aunt, Trisha. Something in Trevor had sparked his heart that he never thought he felt or wanted before. "So wonderful to hear." Amanda says quietly as she opens the fridge and reveals a cake that says: Happy Anniversary Trevy and Mikey. Michael thought it was some corny chic shit When he made his way towards the kitchen but he still managed to smile through it. "This is nice Mandie did you bake it yourself?" Amanda looked at him amused. "Yes, having a teenage kid in the house can get you addicted to too much youtube you start to find things that are very useful on the platform especial when your a stay at home mom that works from home." Trevor was quiet he had the word that Amanda had mentioned in his head, the word mom was in his mind and he could feel it resonated with him. "That's amazing big tits, I love it, thank you." He says recuperating himself as he plays it off that he was in a trance. It was strange Michael was having a sense of déjà vu. He stood in the kitchen, Trevor first coming here when he found out that he was still alive and second when they came together so that he could finally tell the truth to Amanda and now they are all here again. Suddenly the house door opens and a tall figure enters the room. He was movie-star handsome with a million-dollar smile, dark hair, and green eyes, definitely Amanda's type. Her husband is a lawyer and his name is Jeff Branson, A widow to his first wife who committed suicide from the miscarriage of their first unborn child. They had a second son named Charles after their first. Charles is a teen and an intelligent kid he's already a freshman in the ULSA, university of San Andreas located between Richman and Picture Perfect Drive in Richman, Los Santos near their house and all at the age of nineteen. He was studying law to honor both his parents' sense his mother was a lawyer just as his father is as well. His mother, Catherine, unfortunately, was never able to heal from her miscarriage and she suddenly fell into deep depression suffering from mental illness and soon later died from it leaving behind two of her favorite boys. And after years of contemplating another marriage, he became a divorcée to an awful ex-wife, a father to their three-year-old daughter, Adrien, and a second widower. She was a famous Argentinian model and a sex worker before her fame, not only she was an awful wife but a terrible neglective mother, an alcoholic, and an adulteress she later committed suicide after the media exploited her dirty secrets in vinewood she was on the cover of every news outlet for months and Jeff felt guilty. After all the tragedies and heartaches he later met Amanda who was a secretary in his law firm it took him three years after Catherine's death to finally settle with her and now he is happy with his two children and his wife Amanda. They have been married for exactly a year. They secretly eloped in an intimate wedding ceremony between them both and their children but soon the media found out like the vultures they are. Amanda was in the middle of the controversy as headlines everywhere caught the attention of the whole world: Famous lawyer, Jeff Branson secretly marries a former stripper from North Yankton. It was awful, Jeff was devastated and he felt violated as he sat helplessly, feeling as if he failed his wife but they both overcame it together and now they are old news.  "Hello, family." He says as his daughter gets excited just by the sight of him. He was a joyful man who was humble and loved to help others he was kind, wholehearted, and wise at the age of 51 and still looked and felt young at heart he loved his family more than anything, they didn't call him Los Santo's sweetheart for nothing nor was he on the front cover for People's Special Double Issue sexiest man alive for nothing either, okay that one was irrelevant to the story but it's the truth. Michael thought he was an alright kind of guy, the kind of guy who would talk to you waiting in a grocery store line, are those kinds of people annoying? I don't know but he really liked him a lot and more shockingly he really did look up to him he remembered his childhood as a kid in a trailer park watching silver screen films the good guys, the heroes he admired during his childhood all reminded him of Jeff Casey Branson he felt like a kid again every time he was around him. Jeff was Michael's role model, someone, he always wanted to be, and when he felt that pat on his shoulder and saw that huge warming smile he felt like the father he always wanted but never had there was this warmth to him that really draws Michael in. "Michael, Trevor it's soo good to see you again." He says looking at them both. He was nearly 6.3 in height and he was slim and fit with broad shoulders and had a really expensive suit and watch, a briefcase in his other hand. "Hey, Jeff it's nice to see you too." Trevor says and Michael looked at him mesmerized it was like meeting his hero every time he sees Jeff. "Oh come on your gonna have to do more than that!" Jeff chuckles as he lifts Trevor into a big embrace. Trevor couldn't help but smile giving a big hug too. He was very affectionate and no one couldn't resist Jeff he was just a great person to be around he could make anyone happy just by his presence. Jeff smiled at little Adrien as he gave her lots of hugs and kisses while Trevor watched his heart warming wanting this more than anything he ever wanted in the world what Jeff has, a family. "Where you a good girl today Adrie?" Adrien giggles as she looked at her tired father he worked hard, days, and nights fighting for justice to wrongfully convicted teens but he still managed to make time for his family and everyone could see what a remarkable man he truly was. "Hello, gorgeous." Jeff says as he leaned in kissing Amanda on her lips. They had this love and support for one another and It made Michael always realize that he was part of the problem during their marriage and not her. "I'm making dinner so make sure to go shower and relax and i'll call you when it's done." Jeff nodded and he smiled at everyone as he politely dismissed himself from the kitchen. It was honestly a wonderful time Tracey and Jimmy finally arrived by the time Amanda finished cooking. Tracey had already finished college in fashion and was a perfect role model for Charles because of Jeff's influence on her she wore expensive decent designer clothes that she made herself she was already an influencer and a successful businesswoman all while very young, James, on the other hand, was still practically the same he was independent for the most part but seemed not to be anywhere in life yet except being a gaming Youtuber that's mostly it but nonetheless, his family loves, respect, and support him, they were proud. Next, Charles arrives home from college he was so thrilled to see everyone especially Trevor who he hasn't seen in a while. They had dinner outside by the pool in their outdoor set with beautiful fairy light illuminating everything while they had fun playing music and dancing, talking and catching up and drinking wine afterwards they ate the cake that Amanda had baked herself celebrating T's and M's Anniversary together and then eventually the night was over they helped clean and stayed a while indoors, conversating and watching Michael's film: The final meltdown, until eventually Tracey and James had to go home because they had work in the morning and Charles head to bed early due to finals the following day as well. Michael and Trevor were saying their goodbyes to Jeff as Amanda was tenting to Adrien for bed they hugged and went in their car as Jeff waved and watched them leave till they were out the driveway.

"What a great day wasn't it T?"

Trevor was distracted as he gazed out the window watching the cars drive by he looked almost sad but Michael didn't think much of it he just thought he was tired. But Trevor just wanted a child.

Happy anniversary Trevor!Where stories live. Discover now