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From the numbing of Michael's head, he woke up to a throbbing mess. He was in such pain he thought he might have brain damage. He couldn't even open his eyes properly but when he did he panicked his eyes were covered, his body was bound, and his mouth sealed. He muffled when he realized he couldn't speak either and instead of confusion fear rises within him. As he moved around in the chair he got the attention of two other people in the room now one as the other was ordered to leave. Michael heard their feet shuffle on the floor. Their attention was completely directed towards him, he could feel it.

"Mr. Townley, I welcome you I'm glad to see you finally conscious," the voice lingered as it got closer.

The voice was familiar to him as he's heard it plenty of times before. He knew who it was and he waited patiently to be removed from his restriction so he could speak. The man watched Michael closely. He appreciated his calmness and removed the tape from his mouth.                                                                 
"George?" Michael said as he looked up at him.

"Michael, It's good to see you."

"Likewise I'm at ease that you were the one to kidnap me and not some random stranger."

"I'm glad you're honored, I am in need of you're assistance I apologize if my men got out of hand I will remove your apprehension once you answer me some questions,"

Michael focused his attention on him as he figured out what this was about. He couldn't even stop himself from, thinking the worse when he heard him say his real last name.                                           

"Is my husband safe?" Michael asked intensely as George Von Crastenburg nodded.

George was just as calm as Michael. Too calm for that matter as there was tension in the air and they both were aware of it. Michael closed his eyes for a brief moment he had dried blood all over his shirt and he felt like shit from the blow to his head and the dehydration. George on the other hand was silent. He had his back turned to Michael as he gazed at the servalance footage on the screen walls always watching as if he was expecting something to happen. George had a lot of things on his mind that he hadn't known about Michael yet. But he figured now would be the time.

"What is your relationship with my son?"

"He's a friend I've only known him for a couple of days,"

"Well, he was taken, unfortunately."

Michael's eyes slowly opened as he looked at George his back still turned to him.

"I need you to get my son back Michael he means too much to me. He was taken yesterday you were the last In contact with him,"

Michael was shocked to hear. He was just with him yesterday how could he be taken just like that? he couldn't believe it. As long as Michael has known George it was always business, but they were good friends just not close enough, and although he knew nothing of George's personal life he didn't care to know and he didn't care to know if he had a son either it wasn't till he accidentally did so. George owned a lot of businesses around town and fortunately, it is the best location to shoot any films in vinewood almost every building he owed had been featured in a movie, and George was just the guy to go to. After they both became close George let Michael stay at his hotels and Michael invited him to his premieres and sometimes attend each lavish parties which they both would attend Michael with his family and George on his own and that is why he never knew that Loui even existed at the time I guess it was to further protect him from what Lester was telling him the other day. Michael sat hopelessly wondering to himself how he even got himself involved in something like this when he just wanted to spend time with his husband for their anniversary. But getting to know Loui in such a short time despite only meeting him once before and now again he got to know such a wonderful person and now he's gone just like that and with no hesitation, Michael agreed to rescue him.

"Just bring my boy back home, he's been through too much already I can't let it happen again, you'll be handsomely paid for your troubles of course just bring my son back to me please."

Michael solemnly nodded as he looked behind George towards his surveillance screens where he could see someone in a flowy white wedding dress sneaking up on guards and knocking them out one by one beating them up aggressively. His eyes followed attentively as he moved around through screens stealthily knocking out guards every chance he got. Michael was taking in what he was looking at he was shocked as to what he was witnessing in real-time. Trevor was struggling with one guard that sneaked behind him getting choked from behind. Michael gripped his chair in fear his husband could potentially get hurt but he couldn't say a word not while George was staring him down like that. Michael couldn't allow Trevor to get caught at least not just yet but through the screen, he could see that he was struggling with the guard as he fought to not suffocate to death all Michael could see is Trevor bashing his elbow several times into the guard's ribs but due to his armored vest, Trevor wasn't successful enough to make much damage he could tell he was slipping into unconsciousness just like all the other guards he put down before them all Michael could do is just sit there as he tried his best to think of something but thankfully Trevor made a last-minute decision to bash his head back into the other Guard's nose repeatedly until the guard stumbles back gripping his bleeding nose. Everything was happening so fast it was keeping Michael on edge George's eyes were now on Michael as he briefly looked over some paperwork in a large envelope setting it down in front of Michael on his lap.

"Everything you need is right in front of you, you'll be in contact with me so don't worry you'll know it's me when I send for you, but failing won't be an exception as a dear friend Michael I'm desperate please bring my son to me safely me and his mother will forever be grateful to you,"

As Michael looked into George's sadden eyes he promised that he'll do everything he could to bring Loui back to him. Trevor, on the other hand, fought himself through even more guards having a full-on combat outbreak towards four guards taking them all out as quickly and swiftly as possible tracking Michael with the help of Lester updating his last location onto his phone. This is where Trevor brings out his gun for safety as he approaches the building sneaking carefully inside.

In Crastenburg's eyes, Michael could see his pain and desperation a father broken with composure and holding any sanity he had left. All he could do is just nod repeatedly in-trusting his son to Michael and the moment he steps away he meets a gun to his head.


"Trev, please put the gun down,"

"Maybe because you have two guns pointing at you and also because you're in need of action after having a lovely honeymoon. Do you really want to be stuck in that little place again?"

"This is between me and you don't bring him into this I'm doing this mission myself," Michael says between breaths.

With the shock of crastenburg's quick remark and Trevor's swift unnoticed stealthy entrance, Michael knew there was no stopping whatever it was about to happen, he only hoped so.

"That little place is my home..." Behind Trevor were the two guards holding their guns at him but he didn't flinch nor did he move his gun from George's head. He was serious.

"YOU KILLED THAT OLD MAN, MY OLD MAN! I LOOKED AFTER HIM!" He shouted with tears in his eyes.

"Wardrock is dead?" Michael mustered in his breath almost croaking. His heart was in his stomach now but he knew it couldn't be Crastenburg it just couldn't he would never be capable of murder maybe kidnap, threats but he wouldn't just murder someone for no reason.


This time George answered much more carefully. "I did not send anyone to kill this man of whom you speak off direct orders were for De Santa to be retrieved and the report concluded so,"

"Trevor it's true," He intervened. "Crastenburg wouldn't do this please put the gun down... I can explain everything on the ride back home please, the man has already been through enough we've all have just please...baby," Michael looked at his husband intently trying to reassure him that everything is alright and that they'll talk it out together. Trevor slowly lowers his gun but he doesn't put it away not Immediately at least. The guards stand by Michael's side and one of them gets their knife out to remove him from his restraints. Michael no longer bound to his chair gets up slowly and walks towards Trevor embracing him tightly as he held him in his wedding dress. The only thing Trevor could do now is just rest in the comfort of his husband's arms the tiredness desolating away.

Happy anniversary Trevor!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن