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It was dark, a chill hung in the air, it smelt like stale water. I was hungry and it took all of my concentration not to become overwhelmed. There was barely enough light to see my fingers in front of my own face. I noticed with a sense of detachment that my nails were chipped and broken, why this bothered me more than the constant screaming was all I could think about.

I tried to hide, curl into a ball with my knees to my chest, I don't know why I thought this would protect me, they were everywhere. I heard loud footsteps coming closer to my room the sound of creaking metal breaking the monotonous screaming.
A sliver of light came through a crease in what I used to think was a wall. More light came through blinding me at first...how long have I been here? A sillought of a man formed before me as I lifted my head slightly.

I couldn't see his face but I could hear him though it was quiet "Hello Claire, how are we today?" He held what looked like a clipboard in his hand, paused over the paper waiting for me to answer.
I responded with silence and lay my head against my knees once more.
'Just stay still, maybe he will not ask again, maybe he will go away, I don't want to hurt anymore.'

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