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A Long Talk With Doctor Kim.

Hi, i'm Kim Sandra, and i have been in this asylum, wich i call a "Madhouse". I've been here for at least 4 months. You must be wondering why a girl like me would be i such a place, huh?

Well.. I suffer from "PTSD" short for "Post-traumatic stress disorder". Wich is a mental health that is triggered by a terrifying event, either experiencing it, or witnessing it. The symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event..

Why do i suffer from "PTSD"? Because before i got here, my father, killed my mother, infront of my own eyes.. He didn't even care that i saw that horrible scene..

Ever since that day, i keep having these horrible nightmares of that scene. Every time it gets worst. I'm at the point where they could take me to the third floor, lock me up and keep me there forever.. Once you get on the third floor, it's practically impossible to leave once you're one of them..

Last week, i almost hurt one of the guards because i got so scared of my nightmare to the point where i thought, the guard, was my father, in disguise, and was coming for me..

Anyways.. Now you know i'm close to being a crazy psychopath due to what i'm capable of..

Currently, i'm on my way to Dr. Kim's office because he needed to speak to me..

Who is Dr. Kim? He's my psychologist. He tries to help me, but clearly it's not going well ever since i got here. I don't colaborate, at all, and it's not helping..

I am now infront of the door. I look at it where we can find my psychologist's name.. "Doctor Kim Seokjin". I knock, and Dr. Kim tells me to come in.. I open the door, and i walk in.. As always, he greets me with a smile..

 As always, he greets me with a smile

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(Dr. Kim: Ah Sandra! Close the door behind you please!)

I do as he says, and i take a seat..

(Dr. Kim: I would like to ask you a small favor, if it's okay?)

(Me: What is your favor, doctor?)

(Dr. Kim: We have a new transfered patient, she comes from another psychiatric. She will be on the second floor. I was wondering, if you could be her host for the day, just to show her around. It woud also help you in some ways. You know you don't only suffer from "PTSD" Sandra.. You also suffer from trust issues.)

(Me: I know what i suffer from. You don't need to remind me Dr. Kim.)

(Dr. Kim: Then accepte this favor. You know you need to trust someone in this building besides me or any other psychologists. This person, could be a start.)

(Me: I highly doubt that.)

(Dr. Kim: As far as i know, you doubt everything. Wich isn't a good thing. You can't always count on yourself Sandra. You need to count on someone.)

(Me: I do just fine on my own Dr. Kim.. I didn't trust anyone when it all happened. My mother was already dead. I was the only one left. If i count on someone, the next thing you know, that person hands me to my psycho father.)

(Dr. Kim: Your father is nowhere to be found ever since that night. The only thing we can say, is that he must have left the country.)

(Me: Oh he'll come back. He knows i'm in this madhouse. He'll find me, and kill me. That's all i can say.)

(Dr. Kim: You are safe here. You don't need to worry.)

(Me: À 15 year old girl like me, is safe, nowhere. This building, is just keeping me alive. It's not protecting my endangered life.)

(Dr. Kim: À 15 year old girl should not be worrying about this, but her disorder, and her trust issues. You need to get better, and you know that. If there is one more slip, i can't do anything to help you. I will no longer be in charge of you, but Detective Kim, will be.)

(Me: Detective Kim..?)

(Dr. Kim: He's in charge of your mother's murder case. He will be in charge of you as he will hope to get more out of you if you get to the point where we have to chain you to a wall Sandra. And believe me, i don't want to see that happen to you. Your the youngest patient we have in this building, and apparently the strongest to still be on this floor, and not on the third floor.)

He looks at me, and speaks for the second time..

(Dr. Kim: The second youngest patient we have, is about 3 months, and 9 days, older than you, and he is on the third floor due to anger issues. He also suffers from "PTSD". He's not any different from you. I fear you might not take this serious, and end up like him.)

He stops, and speaks again..

(Dr. Kim: I was also his psychologist. Adleast he tried. You just sit there, and answer me with emotionless answers.. I don't want to fail you, like i failed that patient. But i can't help you, if you don't do your part Sandra.)

(Me: I can control my problems. I really can. It's just, unbelievably hard..)

(Dr. Kim: I know. But stay strong. No one else in this building, is 15. Only you. You are the strongest amung all of them. And if you get better, you might even get transferred to the first floor. But on the other hand.. It will require hard work.)

(Me: I won't let you down.)

(Dr. Kim: I know you won't.)

(Me: So? When does the new transfered patient arrive?)

Dr. Kim looks at me, and smiles..

House Of Secrets ( BTS FF/ Sandra POV )Where stories live. Discover now