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Requested by: @KiannaFrancis UwU

You walked around the school corridors with books in your hands and your glasses resting on your nose. You looked for your locker in the packed hallway you traveled through until you were suddenly pushed onto the ground.

"Hey nerd. Find any good books for me to ruin?" Your bully Josh (I'm not good with names lol) taunted you, chuckling with his buddies Andrew and Kyle.

You tried to ignore them and started picking up your dropped books when you were picked up by your hair and thrown against the nearby wall.

"You should answer me if you don't want to get hurt, nerd."

You tried not to cry as you picked yourself up. If only I was popular like my friend Mang. Then I wouldn't have to be made fun of for what I am, you thought to yourself. Your thinking was interrupted by another push to the ground. This time your glasses fell off your face from the impact.

Josh was going to punch you in the face when he was suddenly knocked to the ground. Serves him right for knocking me down.

"You know it's mean to make fun of people, especially those who did nothing to you," you heard the voice of your friend, Mang, who you also had feelings for but kept it secret.

"I-I'm sorry Mang. It won't happen again," Josh apologized to him. (Btw his friends bailed on him when Mang came.)

"It better not," he threatened. Josh then scurried away.

"You okay? You're not hurt are you?" Your concerned friend started asking, handing you your glasses.

"I'll be fine, thank you," you respond, grateful that he was there to help you.

You then see one of his friends from his friend group, you think his name was Tata, whisper to him. Mang then blushed at whatever he said to him, but he nodded in response to what his friend said in secret.

He then pulled out a book with a ribbon on it. (By that point you had already stood up.)

"Y/n, I know how much you have loved (favorite book) before loosing it, so I got you a new copy of it. I also love you very much and I'm wondering if you would be my girlfriend," he confessed while handing you the copy of your favorite book.

"Of course I will be your girlfriend! Thank you so much!" you exclaimed happily and hugged your now boyfriend.

He hugged back and planted a kiss on your head.

"I love you, y/n."

With school done I should be uploading more! (That is, if I have something good.) Also, if you or someone else is being bullied, don't be afraid to tell an adult, whether it might be your parents or a staff member in school, please seek immediate help and the bullying might be at least reduced if not a stop. Take care of yourself during the summer (or winter, or any season for that matter). 💜💜💜

Human! BT21 X ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora