Mang (yet another one ;))

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Also for @April_an ☺️

"When are you going to be done?" You groaned at your best friend Mang, who was practicing dancing continuously.

"Ok, this is the last one. I want you to watch this one," he says to you and starts the music. (One of my favorite songs, it's in the media^)

He pulls up a chair and sits in it. I guess it's part of the dance you think to yourself. You continue to watch him as he dances with the song. When he was done you applauded him with a smile on your face.

"That one was for you," he declared breathlessly.

You feel your cheeks heating up when you heard that and muttered a thanks while looking away.

"I love you, y/n. Will you spend time with me, even if it's just one day (Haha get it?)?" He confesses.

You look at him, cheeks redder than tomatoes and nodded. He cheered then hugged you, nuzzling your cheek.

~The end~

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