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Griffin went to his room and I finished emptying the last box.

"Do one of you have a spare charger?" I asked the guys who were in the living room.

"My room on the bed," Bryce said and I walked in. I took it and charged my phone for the night, giving it back in the morning. "Griffin's still sleeping."

"Okay. What food do you guys have?"

"You know us, Phoebe. We have no food," Josh said.

"I can go shopping if you want," I said.

"Yeah. Please do," Jaden sighed, obviously starving.

"You guys need a Sway car. I have to uber now." I booked an Uber and went to Kroger, buying what everyone wanted. I got back and all the boys but Griffin swarmed me. I made them breakfast and walked into Griffin's room. He was fast asleep and the room was lit by dim blue LED lights. He shifted and opened his eyes, noticing me. I smiled and jumped onto the bed. "Get up."

"No," he turned away.

"Griffin!" I whined and he pushed me off the bed. "I'm bored!"

"Go be not bored and leave me alone."

"I thought you were supposed to be my best friend," I turned away and crossed my arms.

"Ugh!" Griffin pulled me over him and I landed next to him.

"Am I your best friend?" I whispered.

"Yeah. Of course," Griffin looked into my eyes and I smiled.

"Are you gonna get up?"

"No." I rolled off the bed and let him sleep. I got my speaker when it was 2 in the afternoon and increased the volume to 100. I slowly opened Griffin's door, set the speaker in, and shut the door.

"What are you doing?" Bryce and Jaden came over.

"Trying to wake him," I whispered. I played a youtube video.

There was the sound of Griffin falling off the bed and groaning. I stopped and the three of us were on the floor laughing our asses off. Griffin opened the door, glared at me, and started kicking me.

"Ow!" I laughed. He dropped the speaker on me and slammed the door shut. He came out after taking a shower and I was on the floor, waiting for him.

"I'm awake. Happy?" He smiled.

"Yeah. Now... I think we should go car shopping," I said.


"Because I hate always calling an uber. And Sway doesn't have a car."

"Alright. The other's are coming too, though." I nodded and he pulled me up. "Can I eat first?"

"Yeah." He ate and we were all about to wait outside for uber. Ant opened the door and a cold wind blew in, sending shivers through me. Josh went up to change into a hoodie and I went up to get one too. I instead went into Griffin's room and took one of his, coming back down. Griffin smirked and hugged me close to him before we walked out. We got in the ubers and got to the car place.

"This one's cool!" Bryce said. "I could destroy it for content."

"No!" Josh said. We got two cars and had to drive them back. I was in a car with Griffin and Anthony, and I was driving. We got back and had to park the cars outside since the gym was in the garage.

"Your hoodie is comfy," I told Griffin as I jumped on his bed. He rolled his eyes and joined me, throwing his legs over me.

"Have your, um... Parents or sister called you?" He tried to not get me upset.

"No. It's not like they care, Griffin," I looked at him. He sighed through his nose and took my hand, giving it a small squeeze. "Let's come up with a handshake," I smiled, changing the subject.

"Alright." We made one and it was super cool. Griffin went to the stairs to make a TikTok and I jumped on his back. He turned his face and nearly kissed me. He saved it as a draft and neither of us brought up what nearly happened. I sat on the window sill, legs open, and Griffin got annoyed with trying to get me to move. He pushed my legs open wider, told me to hold that position, and set his phone against my lower area.

"Woah! Geez!" Bryce saw and walked in the opposite direction.

"No! Keep your legs where I put them!" Griffin hissed and I moved them back. He finished and braced himself on my thighs as he looked at the video.

"Ow!" I yelled as my skin was pinched between his elbow and the wood.

"Sorry, sorry!" He said and moved. "Aren't you gonna like the video?"

"I don't have my phone."

"Here." He gave me his phone and I stared at the screen. "What?"

"I'm debating if I should log out or just add my account."

"I'm fine with anything," he shrugged. I added it and liked his post, giving it back. "You should really go get your phone."

"I'm not walking up, Griffin," I stated and he turned his back, getting in between my legs.

"Come on." He gave me a piggyback ride to my room. I took my phone and he set me down.

"Wait..." I had gotten a text from TikTok saying I was attending Playlist Live.

"Yay. Me too. We all did." Griffin gave me a hug and he held on longer.

"Why did you hug me so long?" I asked with a smiled.

"What, is it illegal to hug my best friend now?" He asked with a smirk and hugged me again, tightly.

Everyone was packing for Playlist and I was super excited. As soon as we got to Florida, we were driven to a hotel where Hype House was in the lobby. Our manager tried to gather us, but we stayed separate.

"So we'll have two people per room," Ted said. "Phoebe and Katherine in one room..."

"Perfect," Katherine glared at me.

"Actually, can I share with Phoebe?" Griffin asked.

"We pair girls with girls."

"I don't mind sharing with him," I said and Griffin interlocked his fingers with mine.

"Alright, sure."

"But I'd like to share with my sister," Katherine hissed.

"Oh, fuck off," Jaden stated and I let out a laugh.

"Also, she's quitting Hype House, Thomas," Josh said.

I Want More: Griffin JohnsonWhere stories live. Discover now