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 In the middle of the night, Griffin walked in and I looked over.

"You didn't come over," he said.

"Oh, my God. Just because I do it doesn't mean I'm gonna come over every single night," I rolled my eyes.

"You're upset. Why?"

"Because you're upset."

"Why am I upset?"

"Because I didn't spend the week here."

"I'm not upset!"

"Fine." I pulled the blanket over myself and closed my eyes. Griffin stayed for a bit, then walked out. We were okay in the morning and weren't mad at each other. Griffin was in his room all day playing Fortnite with Ant and Blayne. Jacob called him and he had to take the call. "I'll play for you," I told him.

"Don't fuck up, please," Griff said and left.

"Okay, I'm taking his place," I said into the speaker. Ant mainly talked about ballsacks and I felt so uncomfortable.

"No! RGB to the head!" Anthony said and died.

"I got your reboot card," I said and started getting shot at. "Blayne, if you wanna come help, that'd be nice."

"I'm here," he said and helped me. He went his way and ended up getting killed.

"Yo, there's some kid above you," Ant told me. I checked and got one shot killing him.

"Ooh! That was fire!" Blayne said and I got more sniper shots. I survived for about 15 whole minutes before someone shot me in the back. Griffin got back and took his place. "The girl who just took your place is amazing! Tell her to get on. There's another spot open."

"Phoebes..." I got on as well and we stopped after 4 hours. "When did you get so good? When did you even learn?"

"That doesn't matter..." I smiled. Griffin tackled me onto the bed and chuckled. He unsurely kissed me and got up.  "We're dating, Griff. It isn't weird to kiss me."

"I know." He kissed me again and got off.

"I'm gonna go to bed," I said.

"Yeah, alright," Griffin said and fixed his hair. I set my hand on his shoulders, kissed the top of his jawbone, and walked out. I visited him at midnight and he was asleep already. I watched him like a stalker before leaving.

"Get up, Griff," I went to him in the morning.

"What?" He groaned.

"We have to pack for tour."

"Hold up, what?"

"Yeah. I went to check the mail this morning and TikTok sent us plane tickets for tomorrow."

"I have no good clothes that I haven't worn at Playlist."

"Same. I'm going shopping today if you wanna come. We can get breakfast along the way," I said.

"Yeah. I'll go take a shower," Griffin hauled himself out of bed and stumbled to his bathroom. I waited for him and we went to the mall. I bought some cute clothes and Griffin approved of them. He got really expensive stuff and we waited in line. "I literally have to do finals as well. I'm not gonna get any sleep whatsoever."

"I actually feel really bad for you." He nodded and we got home soon. We packed and I had a cute suitcase and a mini backpack.

 We packed and I had a cute suitcase and a mini backpack

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I was super excited since I loved traveling and traveling with friends was more fun

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I was super excited since I loved traveling and traveling with friends was more fun. A bus would come to pick us up in the morning and there was a problem. Hype House would join us. Especially with my sister.

The bus arrived in the morning and I sat with Griffin. Our bus decided to break down along the way, so we all had to walk to the airport. My legs were dying by the time we got to our gate. There were tons of people already sitting, and only a few seats open. Some of the girls sat and I got the last free chair. Griffin sat on his suitcase and sighed.

"They need more chairs," he stated.

"Wait, come here," I said and he stepped over. I let him sit on my lap and a ton of people started. Obviously we didn't care. Josh and Quinton decided to go get Starbucks for all of us and came back. We boarded and I was at a window seat, Griffin was on my left, and Anthony was on his left. Griffin had to work on finals the whole flight and barely said a word. I watched him and was bored out of my mind. I looked out the window and there was just land below us. I could mainly see clouds and wanted to close the window, but left it for Griffin. Ant had fallen asleep a long time ago and it was a 15-hour 30-minute flight to Australia. I felt a hand on my leg and looked at Griffin.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"You look so bored and I feel bad."

"What? No. Don't. I get you're busy and I want you to focus, Griff." He nodded and moved his hand. He kept stressing out and gave up at one point. I rested my hand on his forearm and one on his shoulder, giving him a little squeeze. "You can do this. Or take a small break and then continue."

"I have just one more after this," he said and I nodded as he got back to work. I rested my head against the wall and ended up falling asleep. I woke when Griffin nudged me.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm done."

"Cool." I put my hood on and Griffin lifted the armrest, putting his arm around me. He pulled me so I leaned onto him, then he played with the ends of my hair. He kissed the top of my head and I rested my hands on his leg.

"Can you two stop being cute?" Bryce whispered from behind us through the crack in the chair.

"Shut up, Bryce," Griffin laughed and Bryce backed away.

"I'm so bored!" I whined and Griffin nodded.


I Want More: Griffin JohnsonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin