Theodor [pt2](20)

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"I counted the pills she has taken, it's something around seventy pills," he says.

Theodor felt his heart sinking, he couldn't even bring himself to think what that could possibly mean.

"I'm guessing Eleanor got home around three, three thirty..." his voice trails down and Theodor noticed his father's grip tightening on the steering wheel.

He sharply breathed in, "If she did this after four, there is a possibility that a simple gastric lavage, stomach pumping," he pauses and glances at his son, "Will fix everything."

Two blocks to go before they reach the hospital, Theodor noted.

His dad rubbed his temples, "But if it has been six hours or more..." he pushed his hand through his hair, his knuckles turning white, "The pills have entered her bloodstream... we won't be able to do anything."

Theodor nodded his head and then looked at the watch. 9:30 pm.

Why is time moving so fast! Theo thought to himself.

He bit his bottom lip as he realized his father was making him ready for the worst, which might be the only case.

He swallowed hard as he fished out his phone from his pocket and started scrolling through the recent activity of his phone.

The denied phone call from Eleanor read 3:10 and his heart sank even further.

Dread started filling him as they finally reach the hospital.

They silently sit in the car even after his dad had turned off the ignition.

"She's strong," his father said.

Theodor forced himself to nod, without looking up from his lap.

"She's fighter, she'll get through this, we'll get through this," he said.

Theo's head snapped up, he stared at his dad incredulously. "Why would she fight? She did this to herself, knowing full well what the outcomes could be," he stated.

His father shook his head and opened his mouth to reply but Theo started faster.

"Why would she want to fight dad? She doesn't want to live!" His voice broke in the end and he looked away immediately. "Fighter," he mocked and shook his. "She's tired of fighting," he softly said.

"Get yourself together, Theodor." His father flatly stated and opened the door to his side to step outside.

"Was it worth it dad?" He suddenly asked, surprising his father, making him stop midway and turn to face him, closing the door again.

He looked at Theodor with his brows furrowed and eyes narrowed.

"Forcing her to become what you and mom thought it's the best for her, stealing away the only thing that made her happy... was it really worth it dad? Was it worth her life?" His voice broke and a tear against his will slipped down. He immediately wiped it away.

His father stared at him blankly and then wordlessly stepped out of the car.

He followed his father inside the hospital and then he spotted his mother screaming at the nurses and the hospital staff.

When her eyes landed on them she rushed to them, "They're not letting me in! They're not letting me in my own child's operation room!" She rambles.

His father held his mother's hands and she started shaking her head, "They're telling me I'm not allowed! They don't even know what they're doing. You know I know better than all of them, and they're saying I'm not stable!" She kept rambling frantically.

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