JH : "Of course Ms. Park."

This was the first time Jeongyeon felt happy to see her teacher, in fact, she's relieved that her teacher is just in time.



My group was assigned to do the morning duties today. I came in a little early than usual, we started cleaning inside the room and I was just finishing up the corridor when the bell rings. 

Come to think of it, I saw all of Jeongyeon's friends but I haven't seen her.

JY : "Uhm Nayeon-ssi. Good morning :) Here take it."

Ohhh speaking of the devil. 

NY : "Good morning, where did you get this?"

JY : "I picked it up somewhere. See you later."

And before I could ask her again she already ran off.


These flowers are familiar, where did I've seen this???

It's from the Mamamoos garden, did she stole it from them? Those girls really love their garden. Is she picking a fight with them? 

Aish Yoo Jeongyeon!

HS : "Annyeong Nayeon-ssi, have you seen Yoo Jeongyeon?"

What a coincidence, the girls just happen to be looking for her... That pabo, good thing I recognized the voice and hid the flowers at my back.

NY : "Annyeong hmm. Who are you looking for again?"

WH : "Jeongyeon-ssi from 4B."

NY : "Ohh, her class is next door."

WH : "Gomowo! Have a good day."

That was a close call if they saw I have their flowers I would've gotten into trouble.


Our morning class started, I placed the flowers on my favorite book since I can't carry it around, I'll just make use of it in another way. It's gonna be a good bookmark. 

I need to give Jeongyeon a hefty amount of scolding later.


Just like always, the girls sat with us but this time Jeongyeon was sitting across me.

RS : "The first term exam is coming soon."

JN : "Maja, but you guys are more concern than we are haha!"

DH : "Hahaha I'm okay with a 75, as long as I passed."

MM : "I should switch section with Jihyo."

JY : "Hep! Hep! She's happy with us. Right, Ji?"

JH : "Hahaha you know you're the only one stopping me right? If you just study hard then we can go to section A together."

JY : "I am! I'll take the number one spot."

CY : "You're ambitious Hyung hahaha you certainly can't dethrone Nayeon unnie. She's been in there since we're in our first year."

JY : "Whatever beside it's too late to change sections."

SN : "Ohh Nayeon unnie, did you watch the new episode already? It was really..."

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