제 3화

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Late at night, Jimin was turning around in his bed

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Late at night, Jimin was turning around in his bed. His eyes scrunched and his lips parted to groan lowly, "Argh..." His soft voice became a whisper enveloped in the confines of his room, except to one.

Ggukie hopped out of his cage. His small ears twitched at the sound of Jimin's low groan, he was worried. Was Jimin okay? He needed to know.

The moonlight crept up on the windows of the small apartment and added night light but the shadows of objects were displayed in the living room. Ggukie hopped out of his cage and scanned his surroundings. The shadow of the plants at the other end of the apartment kind of scared him a little, but he hopped forward once again.

The bunny's hopping silhouette stuck to the floor and walls. The whole apartment was silent with a peacefully sleeping Seung jo but thanks to his increased hearing abbilities he heard the low groans coming from the main bedroom.

Ggukie hopped one last time before the moonlight from outside gave a more precise display of the his shadow over the wall. The shadow stretched. From standing on four paws the silhouette suddenly stood in two legs. The dark outline gave away muscular thighs, calves, arms, a thin waist, and finally a head with hair. It was the figure of a male.

In the darkness of the night, Ggukie's body drastically shifted from having a small bunny's body full of smooth black fur to a man's creamy white skin with a litte hinted caramel tan. Two things were for sure, the top of Ggukie's head was full of his black smooth hair and his eyes, dilated in black were the same. He looked down at his own body, he was completely naked. And when he looked up, he was faced in front of Jimin's door.

 And when he looked up, he was faced in front of Jimin's door

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This was it.

He slowly rose his hand and turned the doorknob around with ease before he slowly pushed the door open. The room was completely dark except two lines of moonlight that entered from the two windows at the end of the bedroom. Ggukie curled his toes against the cold floor before gulping saliva down his throat. The shadows cast over his body covered his nakedness in the night as he entered the room.

He had to thank Yoongi for teaching him how to act like a human.

From his dilated eyes, the need to protect his chosen mate made him eager to run and wake him up, but he couldn't. His instinct was telling him that he couldn't do that yet. So with hasty low steps, he walked around the room, sniffing for the human's scent. His nose scrunched with every sniff he took until he stood against a closed door.

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