제 2화

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The moment Jimin and Seung jo arrived at their apartment, the bunny's eyes looked around from left to right, up and down, and diagonally in each side from the inside of the cage he was in which the father carried on his right hand. "Welcome to your new home." The father said to the black bunny as he set the cage down after taking off his Rock Stud leather slippers and sliding his feet into a pair of fluffy blue home slippers.

Seung jo sat down in front of the cage blocking the bunny's view of the apartment. He stared down at the bunny wanting to open the cage. "Let me settle down the rest of the bunny's things and we'll show him around. Don't take him out of the cage. Do you understand Seung jo?" Jimin ordered him while placing the bag full of food for the pet.

"Yes, appa."

The little one nodded and stared at the bunny with a pout wanting to carry him already.

"Okay, I'm going back down to the car to get the other two bags. Stay here." l

And so, the father left briefly to get the other two bags that had bunny toys, pillows, a bunny pen that he now needed to build, etc.

After all the work and preparing the bunny's environment in his apartment, Jimin felt proud of himself when he saw the bunny jump from one corner to another with Seung jo following him around. He sat on the floor with crossed-legs staring with loving eyes at the two when suddenly the bunny stopped jumping; its black eyes seemed to stop on him. He didn't know what it was, but when the bunny stared back at him, he felt his lips part with a flutter in his heart.

He didn't say anything and when he smiled at the bunny while Seung jo was about to carry it, the bunny changed direction and began jumping towards him. It jumped and jumped, the little black fur ball jumped straight to its new owner until it landed on his lap.


The bunny grunted and his left leg began to repeatedly tap the floor below five times really fast before he calmed down and felt warmth between the crotch of the male. Jimin's eyes widened and his hands automatically went to take the bunny out from there. "Naughty boy," he whispered with a chuckle and earned a move of whiskers and grind of teeth from the bunny; as if the bunny was mocking him yet he liked it. Scratch that, he was freaking adorable. His eyes didn't leave the bunny's until Seung jo sudden gasp made him shift it.

"Aegi, What's wrong?" Jimin asked, still holding onto the bunny. The smooth fur warmed up his hand, and for the bunny, his hand was so comfortable. He felt the quickened heartbeats of the bunny against his palm, like maybe the bunny was still getting used to being carried but he loved it.

"Bunny no name!"

The little one gasped and covered his mouth with his two hands. He wanted the bunny to have a name!

"Right. What should we name him?" Jimin asked him, encouraging his son to call the little fur ball by a name of his liking. He expected his son to name the bunny something like Choco, Sky, Gureum, or—


The bunny blinked once before he jumped out of the father's hold and steadily made two more jumps before he began rubbing his small head against little Seung jo's leg. "I guess he likes it." Jimin agreed, hoping that his son and Ggukie could now keep each other company.

"I love you, Ggukie!" Seung jo giggled and gently picked up the bunny with a firm hold. Ggukie stared at him with his black eyes as the boy's face came closer and closed until his plump lips landed on his head with a soft smooch against his black fur.

The clock on the wall ticked 20:55 and to the father's favor, his son had just fallen asleep on the floor surrounded with pillows and the black fur bunny blinked while staring at him

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The clock on the wall ticked 20:55 and to the father's favor, his son had just fallen asleep on the floor surrounded with pillows and the black fur bunny blinked while staring at him. He was on top of a blue pillow watching how the little one slept peacefully sucking on his right thumb.

Jimin was just washing the dishes while humming to himself the melody of Je Suis Seul Ce Soir part of the soundtrack of the movie Midnight in Paris. His hips swayed from left to right in such a coordinated way, he was giving Shakira a run for her money.

He dried his hands after finishing all of them and looked back at the living room trying to spot the brown locks of his son. The TV was still playing in a low volume so he walked over with very slow and silent steps.

Never in his years alive would he imagine the scene that displayed in front of him. He noticed how Seung jo was fast asleep and the little bunny named Ggukie was jumping on the floor dragging a yellow blanket over his son's body. Jimin had to blink his eyes many times to check if what he was seeing was real, and indeed it was. Ggukie just wrapped Seung jo with a yellow blanket before making himself comfortable beside him; curling himself into a small ball of fur waiting for Jimin.

"I'm not imagining things, am I?" the father whispered before finally approaching his son.

Ggukie immediately raised his head once he saw Jimin kneeling before him and Seung jo. He wanted to smile amd get praised. And just as Jimin's hand came to gently lift him, there was a sudden jolt of electricity that crawled onto both Jimin and the bunny. It felt like a chill running down their bodies which made the hairs of their bodies (small and big) raise. Their eyes met and for once in his life, the father saw something in the bunny that made him speechless. Was it possible for a bunny to show love?

"Oh, shh... Ggukie, it's okay." Jimin whispered once he felt the bunny shiver in his hand and began trembling so he did what his paternal instincts told him; he cupped the bunny with both hands and brought it close to his chest for warmth.

Instantly, Ggukie relaxed in his touch and emitted a really small-almost-silent grunt.

Jimin stood up and walked over to Ggukie's cage. He placed the bunny inside it and smiled at him, "I'm going to put Seung jo to bed." It was weird for him, talking-whispering to a bunny. But somehow, it felt right. Ggukie paid attention to him and jumped back in his cage with watery eyes clearly not wanting to spend another night alone now that he had a family. But of course, Jimin couldn't see the teary eyes of the bunny, instead he just sighed. But there was one thing Jimin forgot to do, as basic as it was, he forgot to lock the bunny's cage.

Ggukie watched as he left and hopped to the other side of his cage where the bowl of water was. His eyes widened whenever he licked the drops of water and once he finished, he hopped around once more. He sat and observed how Jimin had lifted Seung jo in his arms, the yellow blanket still wrapped around his body, and he walked away towards the little one's room.

Ggukie would protect that baby at all costs and he already chose, Park Jimin as his mate.

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