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Grace's POV

We were searching for Jango but couldn't find him until Naomi waved at us at the landing bay. They were planning on leaving Kamino.

"Dad, look." Boba pointed at us.

Jango was wearing his suit. "Boba, get on board." Jango told his son as he start shooting at us.

We used our lightsabers to block his shots until Boba started the ship up and aimed the guns at us.

"Split up!" Skylar yelled as he start shooting at us, making us go in different directions in order to avoid to get hit. We were too busy avoiding the shots when I saw Obi-Wan going over the edge. Shit! No time for that, Grace.

Then, we saw Jango detaching the grappling hook that Obi-Wan was holding onto, making him fall. I was so far distracted that Jango shot me with his blasters, hitting me in the shoulders.

"GRACE!" My friends yelled for me as they rushed to my aid.

They help me as we avoid the cannons, that was enough time for Jango to get onboard his ship and closed the ram. Before the ship takes off, Obi-Wan came outside and tossed a tracking device on the hull. Then, the ship takes off.

"Obi-Wan, I thought you were a goner!" I sighed in relief, while clutching my shoulder.

"It's going to take a lot more than one troublesome bounty hunter to bring me down, Grace! Blazes, are you okay?" He rushed to my aid.

"It's just a shot, I'll live." I stated.

He place his hand on my bloodied hand and looks at me. I slowly look into his eyes. The rain is making this a bit more romantic. We slowly lean in when David stops us.

"You two can lick each other's tongues later. We have a bounty hunter we need to catch." David said.

We both blushed as we quickly board the Falcon and take off.


By the time we are out of hyperspace, they were there. "Uh huh, they're here!" Skylar smirked.

"I see them." Obi-Wan sighed and rolled his eyes at Skylar.

I sensed Jango must have noticing we're here, because his ship was swerving to get away. "Oh, he's getting away!" Naomi shouted.

Obi-Wan swerved and swiveled dodging missiles and asteroids in a way that would match Anakin's flying.

"And he said Anakin's flying is suicidal. He just as bad as he is." I said as I started to feel sick.

This continued for the next hour and a half until we lost him through a tunnel of an asteroid only to come out of it and get shot by him. Obi-Wan flew above Jango and came back behind him.

"Blast, this is why I hate flying!" Obi-Wan shouted.

I hang onto his chair for dear life as I fight to stay awake due to my wound. "That's not what you told Anakin!" I countered.

"Grace, sit down!" Mila shouts at me.

Suddenly, we saw Jango launching seismic charges towards us and Obi-Wan swerved out of the way and hid behind and asteroid just as the charges went off.

Third Person POV

On Jango's ship, he looked on his scanner and saw no sign of the Jedi trailing him. He smiled towards Boba, "Looks like we won't be seeing them again."

With that, the Fetts continued their course towards Geonosis.

Grace's POV

I was in a room, being treated for my wound when someone came into the room. It was Obi-Wan.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"I'm fine. I have been through things worse than this." I sighed.

"Grace, I need to talk to you."

"What is it?"

"Grace Lyons, I love you so much." I froze as I looked at him with shock based in my eyes. "You do? But the Jedi code doesn't allow this-this relationship. I don't want to be the one who ruins your life."

"Grace, I know. But after what Jango did to you, I thought I lost you."

"I felt the same way." I said.

"Grace, I want to be with you more than anything in the world. I love you so much."

"I love you too." I jumped in his arms and kissed him. I was blessed when he kissed me back.

The doors opened and everyone was cheering. Even R4 was beeping in happiness.

"Congrats, you two. We have landed. You two can get busy once we finished with the task." Mila smirked.

"I hate y'all sometimes." I sighed.

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