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Megan's POV

We all say goodbye to Grace, Mila, Skylar, Naomi, David, and Obi-Wan as we left the transport, heading towards the landing bay.

Me, Anakin, Ethan, Aurora, Padme, and R2 were all walking towards the ship that will takes us to Naboo.

"Suddenly, I'm afraid." Padme admitted.

So are we." I sighed. Ethan and Anakin both nodded.

"This is my first assignment on my own." Anakin added.

"And so is Megan and Ethan's. But don't worry, you have me and R2." Aurora said, cutely. R2 beeped in agreement.

We all laughed at them.


We got off of the transport and walked up the steps towards the Palace of Theed. I was carrying a sleeping Aurora as I put both of our backpacks on my bag. Padme was talking about her time as the Queen of Naboo.

"I wasn't the youngest queen to be elected, but now that I think back on it, I don't think that I was old enough to run. I did the best I could as the queen, but sometimes I don't think it was enough." Padme explained.

"The people you served thought you did a good job. I heard they even tried to amend the constitution to keep you in office." Anakin consoled her.

Padme laughed. "I was glad when my two terms were up."

Anakin chuckled as Ethan came towards me with an urgent look on his face.

"Meg, Destiny has texted me last night." He told me.

"What did that bitch say?" I asked.

"She said cheating on me with Bruce was a 'big mistake' and she wants to get back together with me. Saying she still loves me and can't live without me." He explained.

"That's what Allen said to me. I got a text message from him this morning. Wanting to get back together with me." I told him.

"Why do they want us back? We made it clear that we don't want to see them again." Ethan said.

"Hell, I don't know and don't care. I'd rather much date someone else than Allen after what he did to me." I declared.

"Who's Allen and Destiny?" Padme asked.

We literally forgot those two are right here and might as well heard our conversation. I notice the strange glares coming from not only Anakin but Padme. It was almost like...they're jealous!

"Allen and Destiny King are rich, spoiled siblings who cheated on me and Megan with other spoiled people. They also have an older brother named Damian who dated Grace for five years until she caught him cheating on her with Diamond, saying Grace is nothing but a poor, little skank who isn't worth his critical. Destiny was my high school sweetheart and that whore stabbed me in the heart when I caught her in bed with Bruce, the richest boy in our town." Ethan explained.

"So what happened between Megan and Allen?" Padme asked.

"He cheated on me with twenty different girls, saying I wasn't fulfilling his needs because I want to lose my virginity with the man I will love. He said he was only with me so he can get me in bed to keep his appearances and reputation. And he dump me in public, meaning saw the whole thing and I was crying. It was the worst day of my life. I swore that day that I never date again." I told them my story.

"Allen is an asshole for not appreciate a wonderful, beautiful woman like you." Anakin spoke.

"Thanks, Anakin." I said with a blush on my face.

"And Destiny is a skank for not appreciating a wonderful man like you, Ethan. You deserve so much better that that." Padme said to Ethan.

"Umm...that is so kind, thank you." Ethan blushed as he looks at me.


We were sitting in the throne room, talking about the Separatists, democracy, and blah, blah, blah. Aurora is still asleep in a room we place her in. "What shall we do about the Republic?" Padme asked.

The queen rose up from her throne, "Well, we must stay loyal to the Republic. The day we stop believing democracy can work, is the day we lose it. In the meantime, we must be concerned about your own safety."

Sio Bibble turned towards me, Anakin, and Ethan and ask, "What do you suggest, Master Jedi?"

"Oh, they aren't Jedi yet, they're still padawan learners. I was thinking-" Padme was cut off by Anakin, "Wait a minute!"

"Dude, shut up!" Ethan hissed at him.

"Excuse me! Now, I was saying-" But she was cut off a second time. "No, excuse me! I'm in charge of your secruity, milady!"

"This is Padme's home! She knows it very well, so that's why we're here! And plus me and Ethan are here to protect her too! Padme, please continue." I yelled at Anakin before looking at Padme.

"Thank you, Megan." She smiled at me. "Now, I was thinking that I should stay in the lake country, there's a lot of places out there that are very isolated."

"Sorry, milady." Anakin said to Padme before turning to me, "Happy?"

"Yes." I rolled at him. "Excuse me, I'll go get my little sister. She should be up by now." I announced.

"Oh, yes. We are very pleased to meet you three and hope to learn more about your world as the Senator puts it." The queen said with a smile on her face.

"Nice to meet you too, your highness." I bowed at her before turning around to leave.

I was not even half way out when I heard footsteps following me. I thought it was Ethan but I was dead wrong. Anakin was following me. "Stay with Ethan and Padme, I won't be long." I scoffed.

"Ethan can handle it on his own. I want to see Aurora too." He said, giving me this intense look only I know what it was.

"No! Don't give me that look! We can't-this can't happen." I wavered.

"Why are you fighting it?"

"Because it is not allowed!"

I turned around to walk away, only to be grabbed in the arm and lips crashed into mine. I was shock but soon gave in and kissed him back. I can't believe this is happening and yet, I love it.

When we pull away, we notice Aurora, R2, Sio Bibble, Padme, and Ethan all watching us. Even the queen was curious as well as a sly smirk appeared on her face. "Well, Master Skywalker, if you wanted a minute alone with your girlfriend, all you had to do was ask." Sio laughed as Padme and Ethan snickered.

Anakin smiled at me flirtatiously as I blushed fifty shades of red. "Umm, no! You see-he's NOT my boyfriend." I stuttered.

"Megan and Anakin sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes in the baby carriage, sucking his thumb, wetting his pants, doing the hula, hula dance!' Aurora sang as R2 repeat what she said.

"Aurora, can it!" I hissed at her and she stick her tongue out.

"Aw, she is so cute. And that song makes sense alright." Sio teased.

"Aurora, R2, stop picking on her. It's not her fault that she's attracted to a gorgeous hunk like me." Anakin boasted.

I groaned as I stomp on out of there, making everyone's cue to head out.

I hate to break to you, but you're right, Skywalker.

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