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Ethan's POV

Megan and Aurora are sleeping in Padme's room as Padme slept in the guest room. R2 is stationed in their room as R4 is stationed in Padme's guest room. It was their idea to make her switch rooms to throw the assassin off. It was dangerous but they think it will work. And it probably will.

"I can't this plan. Are we sure it is gonna work?" Naomi asked.

"It has too. We need to throw him off." I said.

"Well I think it might work." Grace said.

"I don't like waiting for something to happen to them, especially Megan and Aurora." Anakin said.

"Well, they're be fine. I know Megan and her crazy schemes." I said.

"Captain Typho has enough security locked down there. I don't think the assassin will try that way. Why is Megan and Aurora sleeping in Padme's room?" Obi-Wan asks as he looks at the camera.

"They switch places with her. That way, the assassin will try to kill them instead of her. Padme is sleeping in the guest room." Anakin explained.

"What were they thinking?" Obi-Wan asks in disbelief.

"Padme programmed R2 to stay with them as she programmed R4 to stay with her in order to alert the assassin." I added.

"Megan should know better than to put her little sister in danger." Obi-Wan said.

"Chill, Obi. Aurora will be fine. She want to do this." Grace sighs.

"Wait a minute, you guys are using them as bait?" Obi-Wan puts two and two together.

"About time you realized that, it was their idea. Don't worry, no harm will come to them. I can sense everything going on in those rooms." Anakin said.

"It's way too risky. And besides, your senses aren't that attuned, my young apprentice." Obi-Wan stated.

"And yours are?"

"Possibly." He smirks.


Third Person POV

As Megan and Aurora were sleeping, a droid appeared at the window and made a small hole and out came two poisonous slugs. They dropped on the floor and were crawling towards them.

Ethan's POV

"Man, you look tired." David said to Anakin.

"I don't sleep well anymore." Anakin replied.

"Because of your mother?" Obi-Wan asked.

"I don't know why I keep dreaming about her."

"Don't worry, those nightmares will fly by before you know it." Naomi stated.

"Huh? I'd much rather dream about Megan. Ever since I've met her, being around her is suddenly.....intoxicating."

"Oh, so you do have a thing for her!" Skylar stated.

"What?" Anakin asked.

"Don't even try to deny it. Megan, you think she's beautiful, not like many girls you have seen before?" David asked.

"Well, she is not like many girls I have seen before. She is beautiful, caring, confident, sweet, she's more like a goddess than an angel."

"Damn, man. That is deep." I said, shock at his words.

"Oh, Anakin, I would have told to not think like that. Then, again, I'm not much better when I think about Grace." Obi-Wan said.

"Oh, you do?" Grace asked as her face went dark red.

Before he could answer, we sense bad is happening to Megan and Aurora. "I sense it too." We all ran into the room as Anakin ignites his lightsaber and slashes the two poisonous bugs. They both gasped awake as they stared at Anakin. Grace saw the droid and ran and jump straight out the window and grabbed the droid as it speeds off, with Grace hanging on to it.

"Stay here with Aurora!" Anakin told Megan as we all raced out of the room.

Megan's POV

"Are you two okay?" Padme asked as she, Dorme, Captain Typho, and several guards came in.

"We're fine. Can you watch Aurora?" I asked.

"Sure." Padme said and I raced out of the room and to where everyone is getting on speeders. I got on one and fly towards where Grace is at. I was the fastest until everyone else. Grace was shot off of the droid and now is falling. But I fly towards her and she landed next to me.

"About time!" Grace huffed.

"I see him! Let's go!" I speed as fast as I can, just as the others joined me.

"Since when did you fly?" Anakin asked.

"I don't know! Let's say I have a natural gift!" I yelled through the traffic.

"Wait up!" David yelled.

We chased the bounty hunter for hours until we actually lost him because we followed Anakin. That was fun though.

"That was some shortcut, Anakin! He went completely the other way." Obi-Wan was lecturing when I spotted the green speeder.

"Time for plan b!" I yelled out before jumping out of the speeder.

"You are a crazy bitch!" Naomi yelled but it was now muffled.

I focus on my falling as I landed on his speeder. I grabbed on for dear life when I heard a grunt on the other side. I looked and Anakin was there. So, he has followed me. I climbed my way to the doomed off and he followed my lead. Anakin took out his lightsaber and stabbed a hole through the window.

The assassin took his blaster out and starting shooting at us, making Anakin lose his lightsaber and flew out of his hands. I bet Obi-Wan has it now. I formed a fist and punch through the hole, making it bigger and grabbed his hand which has the blaster and making him, no her shot up her speeder. It was out of control as it was falling until the Underworld streets of Coruscant below.

Arms grabbed me as I realized I was falling. Anakin is the one who is holding me. We fell onto the ground a few feet away from the speeder which also crashed. I was on top of him, which is just great.

"Are you gonna let me go or we just gonna stare at each other all night?" I asked.

Anakin smiled mischievously as I blushed. Then, I saw the assassin running away and I place my bloodied hand on his face to push him off and I chased after her. I chased her all the way to a club. Oh, boy. Anakin was right behind me.

"Anakin! Megan!" Obi-Wan called us out as he, Grace, Skylar, Naomi, David, Mila, and Ethan ran towards us. "She went in the club!" I gasped.

"She?" They all asked.

"Yes, he is a she." I stated as I crossed my arms at them.

"Relax, calm down. She went in there to hide, not to run." Obi-Wan said.

"Next time, don't let your shit hit me upside my head." Grace shoved Anakin's lightsaber into his chest.

"Ummm...sorry about that, Grace." Anakin shrugged.

"Don't try to lose it again, Anakin. This weapon is your life." Obi-Wan lectured.

"I'll try." We all laughed at his reaction.

"A club, huh? Well, Megan is the only one who looks underdressed." Mila said as she looks at my tank top, booty shorts, sneakers, and a gray jacket that barely covers my butt.

"I'll be fine. Let's go." I went in.

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