I Waited (Poem)

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Hey guys! Hit that "star" button if you can relate, and you are welcome to leave comments by the way. If you're feeling what I'm feeling, I feel you.

DISCLAIMER: Be aware that I am using a Persona. Thanks.

Enjoy 😊


I watched you fall in love, I watched you fall out of love; Again and again.

But still, I waited.

It's not like I had a choice. I wanted to be there by your side, but I can't. I wanted to talk to you, laugh with you; but I can't.

But still, I waited.

It's not that I wanted to, it's because I had to. I followed what I needed to follow, I did everything that I needed to do, and yet... why is doing the right thing made everything go wrong?

Now that I have the freedom to actually be with you, it made me realize why fate made me wait for you.

There was this realization that hit me like a bus, that it wasn't meant to be, that we weren't meant to be. Opposites attract, yes; but we're not opposites -you're somewhere far away from me but not symmetrically. I knew that since day one...

But still, I waited.

I was willing to take the risk, accept the challenge, and see the outcome. I kept on lighting up my candle of hope inside me, dreaming that one day, everything will be worth it. There were times where I wanted to let go, to let you go.

But still, I waited.

What was the realization I had after the freedom I got?

It was that the time, efforts, and hopes that was spent on you, were mere actions of a hopeless fool.

Because I knew... I knew that I waited... but you didn't.

Guys, I have news! This piece actually entered the Appelley Publishing 2018 Rising Star Collection ❤️ I'm so proud and happy and everything 😍😭 Oh My God ❤️

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