Ryker was still standing there Waffles and Pancakes in hand. As soon as Tus dragged Leo off the table Ryker set down the pancakes and waffles. Lilly smirked,

"Thank you, Old Man."

" M'not old  Lil' girl."

"Sure. Old Man."

"Name's Ryker, girl"

"Really? That's cool, Old Man"

Ryker scowled and tried to remember why he didn't spit in her pancakes. His mate's image flashed in his brain. She just had to be connected to his mate, didn't she. 

Lilly didn't bother with Ryker and grabbed a fork. She dug into her pancakes and made a small moan of delight. 

Tus heard the noise and visibly jerked. He turned toward Lilly and signed, 'If you do that again I'll have no choice but to make you cry.'

Lilly gulped, and red rushed to her face. 

Leo got up from his daze on the floor and walked to the seat opposite to Lilly. 

He watched had watched their weird hand signals when he was in class with them but never really thought much of it. 

As Tus and Lilly exchanged hand gestures they seem to know exactly what the other person is saying by each hand movement they make. 

It was strange to see, and incredibly hard to make out what was being said. 

Leo stuffed Waffles into his mouth and continued thinking.

Lilly and Tus were watching Leo think, 

'This is really weird. Are you sure his the royal assassin?'

' Yes, I've seen him training and being assigned jobs by the royal family.'

' Do you think it's a problem?'

' It's defiantly something.'


Tus, Lilly, and Leo walked down the crowded halls, as they pass students in uniform whispered and watched them. 

Tus held her bag and Lilly walked beside Leo Arguing. They were on their way to etiquette class when a loud scream erupted from the end of the hallway. 

Lilly felt her eardrums ring; Ow, Tus grimaced and rubbed his ear, and Leo thought he went momentarily deaf.

Eva was on the floor cowering away from a girl. The girl looked lost as to what happened, people started to whisper. 

'Omg, she just bullied that sweet girl!'

'What a slut.'

'I heard...'

Lilly saw the girl scrunch her shoulder into herself as if they would take the damage of the word being thrown at her. 

"HEY." Lilly's voice pulled the attention away from the girl and onto her. 

"Why are you bullying my people?" The girl visibly paled, "I-i didn't."

Lilly stomped over to her and raised her hand. The girl flinched and braced herself for the blow, but felt nothing. She hesitantly opened her eyes and saw that Lilly was glaring down at Eva and had a hand shielding her from the girl on the ground. 

Lilly glared down at Eva, the cold and hard stare sent a bracket of shivers down Eva's back. Lilly looked predatory, a tiger residing in Lilly's body. Waiting for prey. 

That pray seemed to be her at the moment.

HELLO CHILDREN, I have been eating more junk food than I probably should. Especially since I'm kind of a hermit. I'm always in WattPad and reading, writing, Or eating myself into a diabetic coma. I kind of do all of the above.

Who is this girl??

What is Eva plotting??

Will Leo snap out of his bad habit???



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