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(Over due new chapter to this story because I felt inspired!)


Sawyer's breath hitched, Aston? The vary sibling he just found out about no longer than a few days ago? How did he even get his number?

Letting out a breath, he rubbed the back of his neck as he started to pace. "How...uh, how did you get this number?" He decided to ask. He didn't know if he wanted to dive right into the reason the kid was calling him in the first place.

Sawyer heard shuffling on the other end of the line before he heard quiet. "Uh, my...I found it. I thought it was Sally's...." his words sounded unsure. The older Denver clutched the phone tightly in his hand. He said their mother's name. The same name that was on the birth certificate.

"No; this is her son's number. My number. Why do you think your being followed?"

Sawyer was done beating around the bush. He needed answers. His mother couldn't give him any, his father couldn't either. This kid was his chance.

"Uh...look, do you think we could meet?"

Did he want to? Sawyer didn't know.

"I—I don't know....there's a lot going on right now." A beeping sound filled his ear, he looked at the screen and noticed he was getting another call. He put the phone back to his ear.

"Okay, listen, I'll call this number tomorrow; can we talk then?" Aston said

Sawyer nodded, then remembered he was on the phone and gave him a verbal answer and hung up and quickly answered who was calling him.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey, you think you could come back and pick Marlee up? She should go to school tomorrow; I mean, so should everyone...I guess we should all go, we missed like two days...."

"All right, Miles. Yeah. I'll come with the van and drop you all off. I'm just gonna clean a bit around here; is everyone good?"

"Yeah. We're okay. Are you? Do you have to go back to the agency?"

Shit Sawyer cursed. He had to go in eventually. He actually had a "mission" as they called it, and he would have to leave for a few days. He had called in and they prolonged it, but he couldn't get away with it any longer.

"Uh, yeah. Not for a while though...I'll let you know. I'll be at the hospital in an hour. Hang tight."

Miles hung up the phone and Sawyer let out a sigh. He walked down the stairs and looked around the living room and kitchen. The mess that lingered made him wish he'd just hire a professional to come and do it instead. But he didn't like the idea of a stranger being in his house. Especially after this.

He walked over to the closet and with a tired sigh,got out everything he needed. And began a deep clean.


Molly Denver sighed as she walked back to the hospital room with a few snacks and drinks in her hands. Her mind was still racing with images of their father being wheeled out on a gurney and rushed into the ambulance. The bright blue and red lights were still clear in her brain and the loud siren still rung in her ear.
As she entered the room, her siblings looked up at her and each walked over to her and grabbed their snack. She was left with three bags of chips and one soda. She handed one of the bags to Marlee, who sat on the edge of their father's hospital bed. She then handed one to Miles and sat beside him. She kept the last bag for herself and the twins shared the can of soda.

"What did Sawyer say?" She asked

The other boys sat not far from them and they were able to hear their conversation.

"He'll be here in an hour. We will be ready to go to school."

"But I want to stay here, with dad."

The older Denver siblings all looked over to Marlee. Miles sighed, "I know,  but you need to go to school too. Dad would understand."

Marlee's eyes brimmed with tears but she nodded and looked back down to her bag of chips. Molly sighed defeatedly and rested her head on Miles' shoulder.


Sawyer came back with a bag in hand and a solemn look on his face. Molly looked up at her, the only Denver child that was awake. Everyone had fallen asleep waiting for Sawyer to come back. She couldn't fall asleep.

"Hey..." Sawyer said as he slowly walked in to the room and sat beside her in the empty chair. His bag hit them floor with a small thud.

"Are you leaving?" She asked as she looked over to him.

"Yeah. I got a call. The needed me to come in." He told her. Molly sighed and nodded in understanding.

"You guys will be ready for school Monday?" Sawyer asked. " I'll be fine for about two weeks..."

"Two weeks?"

Molly and Sawyer look over to the voice that said that. Bryce had stood up from his chair and looked over at the two. His fist clenched.

"Yeah, Bryce. Two weeks. But then I'll be back."

Bryce huffed as shook his head.

"Look, it'll be fine. Miles and Molly will be in charge. You'll go to school, take care of Marlee." Sawyer told him calmly, his eyes shifted to Molly as well, she nodded along.

Bryce shook his head. "When do you leave?"

"In the morning. I fixed up the house, so you guys can go back."  Sawyer tells them.

It was quiet then. No one spoke, because they didn't have anything else to say.  The only sound was the faint beeping of the machines that were keeping her father alive, and the soft snores coming from her sleeping brothers.

She and Miles were going to be in charge while Sawyer was away. She didn't know if she could handle that, but she was going to try because it's what she had to do.

As she leaned back in her chair, her eyes were about to close when she heard a ping sound.

She groaned and took out her phone that has been forgotten in her pocket for the last few days.

Once she got it open, she went to her messages and felt a smile grow on her face once she read who it was from.

Olivia told me what happened. I hope everything's okay.

Molly didn't know if she should reply to that. Just the thought of Blue of all people to send her something like this,—checking up on her— blew her mind.


Thank you for reading! More updates will sporadically appear! :)

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