Part 19

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A/N: This one purely for the humour. So, if you are going to laugh, make sure your parents know that you're not becoming a psycho lunatic.

[in the morning]


Biana: Oh my god. Where did they go?

Fitz: They have to be around here somewhere!

Lihn: What if the Neverseen are somehow back and they got kidnapped again?

Dex: This is bad. Really bad.

Tam: *peeks outside* Guys?

Biana: Not now, Tam! For all we know, Keefe and Sophie might have been kidnapped or murdered or something!

Tam: I found them.

Lihn: Where? *flings herself over to the door and looks out* Oh. There. Tam. What have you done?


Tam: NO! Why would you say that!

Dex: I don't know. Maybe because of the goth look you always sport. Oh, and how you keep complaining about not killing Keefe.

Tam: *hand to heart* I'm hurt.

*everyone starts gathering by the door*

Fitz: So that's where they went.

Biana: This is cute.

Dex: Biana, a minute ago you were stressing your head off, and now, the only comment you have is 'This is cute'. Really?

Lihn: Should we wake them up?

Fitz: Looks like we have to. They don't look like they're going to wake up on their own anytime soon.

Tam: Biana, where do you keep the frying pans?

Biana: Frying pans?

Tam: You know, those things that you use in the forbidden cities. Those things that the author mentions all the time to threaten people?

Fitz: Hold up. We have an author?

Tam: Oop. I broke the fourth wall. Nevermind what I said. Just get me something that can make a lot of noise.

Biana: *goes into the kitchen and comes back with a few trays* Does this work?

Tam: *nods* Perfect.

*they stroll outside*

Lihn: Do we have to wake them? They look so cute!

Tam: Too late. *starts banging the trays together* WAKE UP YAH LOVEY DOVEY SLEEPYHEADS!!

Keefe: *starts* We're up! We're up!


Tam: Did it work?

Dex: My poor ears. My poor, poor ears.

Fitz: I think it worked.

Biana: You THINK?

Keefe: Why did you guys have to wake us up?

Sophie: What time is it?

Fitz: Almost 10.

Sophie: We were out for that long?

Biana: Now that I think of it. What were you doing outside so late?

Keefe: Couldn't sleep. *slips his hand into Sophie's*

Sophie: *holds on tight*

Biana: Mhm. I believe you.

Fitz: Well, um. Breakfast is ready!

Keefe: MALLOWMELT!!!!! *runs off*

Biana: *turns to Sophie* What did happen?

Sophie: Nothing! We were just tired.

Fitz: Really? Cause I'm pretty sure something else happened.

Sophie: Boy! I'm hungry! Let's go eat. *walks off*

Lihn: She's not telling us everything.

Biana: You could tell?

Tam: Too obvious.

Biana: Should we?

Lihn: Absolutely.

Biana: Operation Sokeefe is officially on!

Tam: Wasn't it on like, a long time ago?

Biana and Lihn: Shush.

[after breakfast]

Sophie: Thanks a lot Della. I should get going now. Grady and Edaline are probably wondering where I am.

Della: Of course. Send them my regards!

Sophie: Of course! *pulls out her home crystal and leaps away*

Biana: *turns to Keefe* SPILL.

Keefe: What?

Biana: And that's an order.

Keefe: About what?

Lihn: You know what we're talking about.

Keefe: Fine. I was outside sitting in that tree. Sophie came and sat next to me. We talked. No, we didn't kiss. And then we fell asleep.

Biana: *has a notepad and pen* Yes, yes. Please, continue your story.

Keefe: That's it! We didn't do anything else!

Biana: When are you going to stop lying to yourself?

Keefe: I'm NOT!!

Lihn: Did you pop the question?

Keefe: What? NO!

Biana: Oh, but you really wanted to.

Keefe: Is it that obvious?

Fitz and Tam: Kinda.

Keefe: Dangit. I think. I think I need a break today. We can talk again later. BYE! *runs away*


Keefe: *long gone*

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