Part 7

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A/N: Are you guys still reading? (I'm impressed. I spill out loads of tosh.)

[After buying the ice cream]

[in front of the Empire State Building]

Sophie: ... That is the Empire State Building, one of the most impressive structures in the USA.

Keefe: Really? Impressive? Candleshade is like, 2 times the size of that thing. Why?

Sophie: Humans don't have an infinite budget, ok? This is like, already, really expensive.

Fitz: I mean, I can kinda see it?

Tam: Well, I don't.

Sophie: Are you just gonna say everything in the forbidden cities is unimpressive? *thinks* Hm... it's near 8pm. We should go ride the New York Wheel.

Keefe: What is that?

Sophie: Like, the biggest ferris wheel in the world or something. Come on!

[New York Wheel, New York]

Sophie: Hm... I think it's 2 or 3 people per cart, so, who's with who?

Fitz: I'll go with Lihn. *looks at Lihn* You good with that?

Lihn: Sure.

Sophie: Ok, so, I can go with Bi-

Biana: NOPE. I'll go with Tam and Dex.

*they reach the front of the line*

Sophie: But, that would mean I'm with... Wait, WHAT?

Biana: Oops. *pushes Keefe and Sophie into the same cart* Too late.

Sophie: *from inside the cart and on top of Keefe* BIANA!!! You will regret your life decisions!

Keefe: Foster.

Sophie: Keefe, don't try to stop me from giving Biana what she deserves!

Keefe: It's not that. Could you get off me please?

Sophie: *tomato time* Oh. Sorry. *quickly gets off*

Keefe: Thank you. Now, how 'bout you calm down so we can enjoy this ride.

*they both awkwardly sit down next to each other*

Keefe: This is really awkward.

Sophie: You read my thoughts.

Keefe: I can't. You're the amazing telepath here.

Sophie: Amazing?

Keefe: Yep. You're really powerful, eh? *gets a wave of Sophie's emotions* Sophie, you're hitting me with a really strong emotion.

Sophie: *whips head around* I did not give you permission to do that!

Keefe: *hands in the air* Sorry! It just can't help it! But what were you feeling?

Sophie: *turns away* I don't really wanna talk about it. *Sophie's heart is beating really fast*

Keefe: Are you scared?

Sophie: No!! Why would I be?

Keefe: Well, you're not saying much, are you?

Sophie: Nah, I'm just tired, I guess...

Keefe: You know that you can't lie to an empath, right?

Sophie *offended*: I'm not lying!!

Keefe: *smirks* Well you're not telling the truth either.

Sophie: And that's how it will stay. *yawns* Plus, I really am tired. *head slowly droops and she starts sleeping on Keefe's shoulder* (omg!! SOPHIE FOSTER IS SLEEPING!!!)

Keefe POV: She looks so adorable when she's asleep. I'll just let her sleep for now.

[around 5 minutes later]

Keefe *whispers*: Sophie. Sophie. Wake up.

Sophie: *keeps sleeping*

Keefe *whispers*: Sophie. The rides over. We have to go now.

Sophie: *keeps sleeping*

Keefe: Ok... How am I going to do this? *thinks* Um... ok. *levitates Sophie into his arms and carries her out of the cart*

*everyone is already waiting outside*

Fitz: What took so long?

Dex: Yeah! We got off like, 2 minutes ago- Oh. That's why.

Keefe: Don't wake her.

Biana and Lihn: This is so adorable!!

Keefe: Shush!! She just fell asleep! That's it, I swear!

Biana: Right... *clears throat*

Keefe: Biana NO!

Biana: Oh, Biana YES!! *takes a deep breath* SHIP!! SOKEEFE FOR LIFE Y'ALL!

Keefe: You're gonna wake her up! *looks down at Sophie* Actually, she's fast asleep. Nevermind. *looks around* It's getting late. We should head to like, an alley or something and leap back. Um... You guys leap home, I'll just hop on over to Havenfield real quick to drop off Sophie.

Fitz: Got it. *takes out pathfinder* Come on, Biana. Let's go.

Biana: *looks at Keefe* *whispers* You know, you can't deny it for much longer. You really like her.

Keefe: *opens mouth*

Biana: Bye! *leaps to Everglen with Fitz*

Tam: We'll be going to.

*Tam and Lihn leap away*

Keefe: I guess it's just us two now. *takes out pathfinder and leaps away to Havenfield with Sophie*

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