Part 17

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A/N: ... Sleepovers=Doom. Nothing else to say. Wait. No. Yes something else to say. *Deep breath* THANK YOU TO WHOEVER READS THIS FOR OVER 250 READS!!!

[Around a week later]


Biana: Sleepover!!

Sophie: Tell me why I agreed to this?

Tam: None of us did. We all just got dragged here against our will.

Sophie: Probably not against your will. You were probably counting down the minutes until you got to see your- *looks at Biana*

Biana: *shakes head*

Sophie: Uh... counting down the minutes until you get to see your friends! Yeah!

Biana and Tam: *sighs in relief*

Fitz: *comes down the stairs* Is everyone here?

Keefe: *rushes through the door* I'M HERE!

Lihn: Is there going to be a day when you're not late, Keefe?

Keefe: Maybe.

Biana: Let's just get started!

[minutes later]

Biana: Ok. We have an extensive supply of mallowmelt, ripplefluffs, and custardbursts. We have some lushberry juice and cinnacreme. And we have 7 people ready for a game of truth or dare!

Sophie: 7? I'm pretty sure it's 6.

Tam: Make that 5.

Fitz: 4.

Lihn: 3.

Dex: 2.

Keefe: Come on. Why are you all bailing out! It could be fun!

Sophie: The keyword here is 'could'.

Biana: Please?? We'll try to keep it civil! *death glare at Tam*

Tam: Uh... yeah! You know what? It should be worth the risk!

Keefe: How. Who. When. Who are you and what have you done with Bangs Boy.

Tam: Nothing.


Sophie, Fitz, Dex, and Lihn: Fine.

Sophie: We're only doing this because Tam over there set up such a good example.

Tam: Why thank you.

*after many rounds*

Fitz: Ok. That tastes awful. *spits out an elixir he was dared to drink*

Dex: I know. I made it extra spicy.

Fitz: Ok. My turn. I choose Tam. *turns to face Tam* Truth or Dare?

Tam: Truth. No way am I gonna do dare after what Dex did to you.

Fitz: Hm... Do you like anyone?

Tam, Biana, and Sophie: *stops moving*

Fitz: What's wrong?

Tam: *glances at Biana*

Biana: *glances at Tam*

Sophie: *tries not to make eye contact with anyone*

Fitz: Wait a minute... *notices how Biana and Tam are slowing turning red* Don't tell me.

Tam: Uh... Surprise?

Fitz: *narrows eyes* Are you dating my sister?

Tam: Maybe?

Biana: Maybe.

Sophie: Maybe.

Fitz: You're in on this too?

Sophie: Maybe?

Keefe: How come no one told me!

Fitz: Can I just get a straight answer?

Biana: FINE! Tam and I are dating, and the reason Sophie knows is that she initiated the plan to make it happen. Ok?

Keefe: Why does no one tell me anything? I swear, I helped you! *turns to Sophie*

Sophie: She told me not to tell anyone!

Fitz: *glares at Tam* DID I GIVE YOU MY CONSENT?

Biana: Well, you should.

Fitz: But. He's like, the opposite of you!

Biana: FITZ... *dangerous look at Fitz*

Fitz: Fine. Fine. Who's next?

Tam: Oh! My turn. Keefe. Truth or Dare?

Keefe: Dare! Definitely dare.

Tam: You might regret that.

Keefe: *becomes nervous but smiles it off* I never regret my decisions.

Tam: Kiss the person you like the most in this room. And I mean on the lips.

Biana: Tam! When did you become so sappy?

Tam: I am a lot of things. You just don't see it.

Keefe: Can I switch to a truth?

Tam: Nope. Now, do the dare.

Keefe: *reddens and scoots over to where Sophie is sitting* *whispers* Please don't hate me for this. *kisses her on the lips*

Sophie: *shooken*

Keefe: *pulls away* Done?

*everyone except Keefe and Sophie is gawking*

Sophie: *silence*

Keefe: Sophie? Are you okay?

Sophie: *silence*

Keefe: Shoot. I think I killed her.

Biana: Yah think?

Sophie: OH MY GOD.

Fitz: Welcome back.

Sophie: Can we just, go to bed?

Keefe: I follow.

Tam: Sure.

Lihn: It is kinda late.

Sophie: *eagerly grabs her sleeping bag and drags it away* Well. Bye! *runs off*

Tam: Keefe?

Keefe: Yes?

Tam: You are so red right now.

Keefe: Just go to sleep. 

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