Part 9

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A/N: Long-ish? Nah. It's kinda short. Don't question the plot. At this point, I'm fully improving. (I can't believe Anonymous Ocean Pickle is still willing to help me. Thank you. You know who you are.)

[the next morning]

[Sophie's bedroom, Havenfield]

Sophie: *yawns and opens her eyes* What time is it? *looks around* Who brought me home? *sees Keefe* OMG. DID HE JUST SLEEP HERE?

Keefe: *opens one eye and lazily smirks at Sophie* Did you have to wake me up?

Sophie: Oh! I'm so sorry. *takes a closer look* Keefe?

Keefe: Hm? Don't talk to me. I'm tired.

Sophie: Your hair.

Keefe: What about it?

Sophie: It's a complete mess. *starts laughing*

Keefe: Wha? NOOOOO!!!! My poor hair!! *looks at Sophie* You're not much better, Pineapple Head.

Sophie: *throws pillow* Don't call me that!! *thinks of an amazing idea* We should totally spend the day with our hair like this.

Keefe: No! *throws pillow back* My reputation will be ruined!!

Sophie: *sighs* You can, and you will spend one day like this. Now come on. Let's go get some food.

[half an hour later]

[Under Calla's Panakes]

Keefe: ... And that's the story of how Foster here made me not do my hair.

Sophie: Hey! I didn't do mine either. So we're square.

Biana: I can't believe you got him to do it! And you don't look half bad yourself, Sophie.

Sophie: Why thank you Biana. *pats hair*

Tam: This is one of the best days of my life. And believe me, I've had very few of them. *wheeze* KEEFE SENCEN IS A RUGHEAD TODAY! *grins*

Keefe: *looks at Sophie* I swear, if anything like that ever happens again, I'll get you for it, Foster.

Sophie: Nope. Not me. You'll never catch me! *runs away*

Keefe *confident*: Oh, it's on! *chases Sophie and tackles her to the ground* Too easy.

Sophie *squeaking*: Keefe. You're really heavy. I can't breathe!!!

Keefe *offended*: I am not that heavy! *gets off* That really hurt my feelings. ಥ_ಥ

*they hear giggling, and when they turn around, they see Biana and Lihn having a tiny meltdown of laughter*

Biana: This, this is couple goals!

Lihn: OMG! That did not just happen!

Tam and Fitz: I can't believe you're my sister.

Fitz: Can I disown her?

Tam: My thoughts exactly.

Keefe: *from a distance* YOU KNOW WE CAN HEAR YOU RIGHT?

Sophie: This is the worst day of my life.

Keefe: You have no right to say that.

Sophie: Yes I do. I'm the one who's been kidnapped by the Neverseen like a billion times.

Keefe: And I'm the one with an evil mommy dearest. So we're even. *sobers at the thought of his mom*

Sophie: Fine. Let's just, get back ok? We can continue this conversation later. 

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