Part 16

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A/N: Ok. I thought the last part was deep. But this is DEEP. And long. So please. Go grab some mallowmelt get comfy on your couch before you start reading this.

[That same afternoon]

[Under Calla's Panake]

Keefe: What did you call me here for Foster?

Sophie: You're late.

Keefe: *grins* The hair, Sophie.

Sophie: Fine.

Keefe: Are you going to tell me why I'm here?

Sophie: You never tell me, do you?

Keefe: Well, no. But that's different.

Sophie: *raises one eyebrow* In what way?

Keefe: I wanted to surprise you.

Sophie: Then who says I'm not doing the same thing?

Keefe: The only surprise I'm interested in right now is Edaline's mallowmelt.

Sophie: You eat at least 5 slices of that a day.

Keefe: It's not my fault that it's so good. So, where's the mallowmelt?

Sophie: Sorry, no mallowmelt today. Just, some questions.

Keefe: You okay?

Sophie: Yup! Of course.

Keefe: I know you're lying, but like, whatever. Now, what are your questions for the amazing Keefe Sencen? *runs fingers through hair, messing it up*

Sophie: *blurts out* Would you date a bad match?

Keefe: Hm... it depends on who it is. Why do you ask?

Sophie: No reason. Now, second question. Do you possibly like anyone?

Keefe: Why would you want to know that?

Sophie: Just, curious.

Keefe: Well, you better get some pen and paper.

Sophie: Can I have an answer?

Keefe: I don't know. It's kinda personal. You wouldn't just waltz up to someone and tell them who you love, do you?

Sophie: Whoa there. Love, or like?

Keefe: Could be either, couldn't it?

Sophie: If you're not going to tell me, can I at least get a hint?

Keefe: Oooh! You wanna know really bad, don't you? Jealous that it might not be you?

Sophie: *blushes* What? No! Why would you think that!

Keefe: Ok, Foster. One hint. *thinks* She's the smartest, wittiest, prettiest, and most unique elf in the world. Or, in my world, at least.

Sophie: She a really lucky girl, I guess.

Keefe: Wait, one more! She's oblivious. *smiles at the thought* Now, your turn.

Sophie: What?

Keefe: You questioned me! Give me a hint as well!

Sophie: Fine. *bites lip* I guess, um... this is hard.

Keefe: You can do it!

Sophie: Um... He, he lights up my world. So much. And, he's always with me, no matter what I am, what I did, or what I think of him. I think... I think I never realized that I liked this boy, because of clouded judgment.

Keefe: Well, whoever this boy is, I hope he makes you very happy. *looks into Sophie's eyes, admiring the golden flecks in her eyes* Sophie? Look at me.

Sophie: *looks up into Keefe's ice blue eyes*

Keefe: Know that you're really special, to me, to our friends, and to this whole world. Who cares if someone's unmatchable or a bad match? I hate to admit it, but my father's book is right. Head vs Heart? Let your heart pick for you. (I didn't know Keefe could be sappy. But I thought it would be nice)

*they continue to sit in silence, side by side*

Edaline: *walks over to them* Sophie! *notices Keefe* Oh! What a wonderful surprise! Hello, Keefe.

Keefe: Hi, Edaline. Do you have any mallowmelt? *puppy dog eyes*

Sophie: *hisses* Keefe!

Edaline: *laughs* Not today, sadly. But I was just coming out to tell Sophie that dinner was ready. Would you like to join us?

Keefe: *grins* Sure! What's for dinner?

Edaline: Tomato soup.

Keefe: *confused* What's tomato soup?

Sophie: It's a human dish, and one of the only vegan ones I know of.

Keefe: Well! I can't wait. Lead the way, Ms. Foster.

[after dinner]

Keefe: You know? That actually tastes really good.

Sophie: Human food can do that. Maybe it's just me, but that soup was a lot more appetizing than eating leaves.

Keefe: Whatever you say. Where are we going?

Sophie: My room. I usually just collapse there after dinner.

Keefe: *smirks* Cool. I do that sometimes. If my father lets me.

*they reach Sophie's bedroom*

Keefe: *runs in* I dibs looking at your photo albums!

Sophie: KEEFE!

Keefe: But! It's so cool! It's like, projection, but anyone can do it! Plus, you look so cute in a lot of these!

Sophie: KEEEEEFE!!! *turns red*

Keefe: *flipping through the albums* Wait... I don't remember seeing this one when I first looked at them.

Sophie: Which one? *walks over*

Keefe: *points at a selfie of Sophie and Biana* I don't think this was from the forbidden cities.

Sophie: Oh. That one! I just happened to find a camera in my bag, so I took a selfie with Biana.

Keefe: Wait. I need to see this camera.

Sophie: What's the magic word?

Keefe: Magic doesn't exist.

Sophie: *rolls eyes* No Keefe. The magic word is 'please'.

Keefe: Do I have to?

Sophie: *nods*

Keefe: *mimicks Sophie* Could you please show me this wonderful, splendid camera of yours?

Sophie: *mimicks Keefe* Of course I can. *hops up and rummages through a drawer* Aha! Here it is. *holds up an instacam*

Keefe: Can we take a photo?

Sophie: Sure. Why not. *holds up camera* Smile!

Keefe: *tackles the camera out of her hands*

Sophie: Hey!

Keefe: Sorry Foster, but I'm taller. So, I get to do the honours.

Sophie: Fine.

*after taking the photo*

Sophie: *inspects the photo* Hm... not bad.

Keefe: How can I be bad at anything?

Sophie: That's it. Out! *starts pushing Keefe towards the door*

Keefe: Aw... Foster can't handle my irresistible charm?

Sophie: *blushes* Who says I can't?

Keefe: How red your face is telling me otherwise.

Sophie: Back to Candleshade with you! *manages to shove him out the door* Whew. He's so heavy! Probably from all the mallowmelt he eats. *smiles*


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