Part 13

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A/N: So... this part is really static. Nothing much happens. But I swear I'll put more stuff in the next chapter. 

[That night]

[Sophie's bedroom, Havenfield]

Keefe *over the Imparter*: We're going to do what now?

Sophie: We're gonna get Biana and Tam together. Simple. *shrugs*

Keefe: How so?

Sophie: They definitely have a thing for each other! We're just nudging them in the right direction!

Keefe: *narrows eyes* That's not very Sophie of you. Who are you and what have you done with Foster?

Sophie: *sighs* This, Sencen, is called revenge. It is revenge for pushing me into the same ferris wheel cart as you, and in the process, making me land right on top of you.

Keefe: *smirks* You liked it though, didn't you, Foster?

Sophie: Not. NOW. Keefe. Now, we must plan.

Keefe: Why are you asking me, and not, Dex or something.

Sophie: Because, according to many well-known sources, you're the master of mischief around here. Plus, if everything goes wrong, I'll have someone to blame! *winks at Keefe*

Keefe: Just don't do that last part, and I'm in!

Sophie: Good. Now... the plan.

*they spend the rest of the night talking and hanging out over the Imparter*

Sophie: This is definitely going to work.

Keefe: What doesn't work when I'm involved?

Sophie: Squish your ego a little bit there. Now, we just need to execute it.

Keefe: Of course. But only because you requested.

Sophie: *blushes* I'll keep that in mind, just in case I need you to do something.

Keefe: Can I take it back then?

Sophie: No. Now go to sleep.

Keefe: Nah. Can't sleep.

Sophie: Stop talking or no mallowmelt for you.

Keefe: Aw, come on! You know I need mallowmelt!

Sophie: *hugging a pillow to her face* No you don't. Now go to sleep.

Keefe: Fine. *hangs up and lies down on his bed* Wait... why did I agree to this again?

Lord Cassius: I swear, just go to sleep already! You've been up for longer then you should.

Keefe: Sorry, daddy dearest. 

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