Part 10

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A/N: Short and simple. And a little bit of Sokeefe. ENJOY. (that's an order.) (lol no jk)


[Sophie's Bedroom, Havenfield]

Sophie: Now, let's continue, shall we?

Keefe: I thought you were joking.

Sophie: *glares at Keefe* I don't joke around. *tries to stay serious but ends up bursting into laughter*

Keefe *smirking*: Yup, I believe you.

Sophie: You should. *goes quiet* Keefe?

Keefe: Yeah?

Sophie: *hugs Ella* Are you still sad about what happened to your mom?

Keefe: *looks down, feeling a little ashamed* I guess. It's just, she's still my mom, right? That's not something that's easy to let go of.

Sophie: I guess, you have a point. Like, my human family wasn't evil or anything, but I still really miss them. There's just something different that I can't stop thinking about. *hugs Ella tighter*

Keefe *envious*: You make me wish I'd brought Mrs. Stinkbottoms with me.

Sophie: Of course I do! People who sleep with stuffed animals are superior to everyone else! *tries to lighten the mood*

Keefe: *smiles, but comes out more like a grimace* Yeah. *stands up* I should get going. Daddy dearest is waiting!

Sophie: *gets up and hugs Keefe* Don't let your mom hold you back, ok? You're brilliant, no matter what. *smiles, and blushes a little*

Keefe: *returns hug and blushes* Thanks Foster. Now, *smiles for real*, I need to get home to fix my hair. Bye! *leaps away*

Sophie: *pause* *starts internally screaming* I. Just. Hugged. Keefe. Sencen. WHY, did I just do that. *pauses* It felt nice though. *realizes what she said* I did not just say that. *sighs* Thank goodness Keefe isn't here to read all my emotions, or else I'd be screwed.

Keefe: *suddenly leaps back* Hi.

Sophie: Holy- *jumps and starts fumbling a hair comb to attack him with* Stand back! I have a weapon, and I am NOT afraid to use it!

Keefe: Geez, Foster. I just came back because I forgot my cape. Chill. *grabs cape and turns to leave* Meet me in Atlantis near the fountain tomorrow. I want to talk to you. *leaps away*

Sophie: *processes what just happened* *inhales deeply* That boy almost gave me a freaking HEART ATTACK!!

Edaline: *from behind the door* Sophie? Are you ok? We heard shouting.

Sophie: I'm fine. Just... reciting some Hamlet. Yeah. *yawns* I'm gonna go to sleep now.

Edaline: Of course. Good night.

Sophie: Night. *lies down and tries to sleep* *she blinks*  

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