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tongue tied, i'd lie

if i said i didn't want you  


"Darce...Darce come on, sweetie. You need to eat something. You haven't eaten since Tuesday and it's Thursday now. I'm getting worried about you. Please, talk to me."

I rolled over in my bed so that my front was facing the window and my back was facing my dad. I haven't really left my bed much, besides to go to the bathroom. I feel like I've been punched in the chest, repeatedly. It hurts so much, it hurts to breathe and call me crazy, but all I want to do is cry. It's been a week since that day and I can't get his words out of my head. Every time I am alone, our conversation just replays in my head and all I want to do is jump out my window. I can't stand thinking about him after what he called.

Stupid white rich girl.


My fathers loud voice boomed through my room. I didn't even flinch at the loudness. All I did was let out a deep sigh and pulled the covers over my head some more.

"Darcy, please. What happened at the docs? You haven't spoken to anyone."

He's right. I haven't spoken to anyone nor told anyone what had happened. After coming home in the snow storm, I walked into my house and just let everything collapse on me all at once. I pity myself, I really do. I'm such an idiot.

My face was frozen. The tears had dried up and I could just feel how cold my cheeks were. I slowly walked into my house, shimming off my jacket and throwing it onto the floor. I flung my heels off, letting him smack into the wall. I tore my gloves off my hands and ripped the diamond heart necklace off my chest. 

"Darcy, is that you? Why are you making so much noise?" 

I could feel the hot tears streaming down my face but I didn't once let myself make a sound. The voice that had asked me those questions was Uncle Lou. It was his birthday today but I couldn't let my stupid mistakes mess that up for him, so I ran up the spiral staircase and into my room. I slammed the door shut behind me and looked at everything in my room. I hated Derek right now, I hated him so much that it made me  so angry.

So, I ran over to my dresser mirror and ripped down all the pictures that were of him and I. I tore each of them to shreds and threw them on the ground. I then angrily swiped everything off my dresser that included my makeup and perfume and things like that. I tore at the posters on my walls and took everything down. But once I looked at the mess I created, I didn't feel any better. No, I felt worse and so I slid my back down the wall and put my head into my hands and let the sobs over take my body. I let the sadness take over and I let the pity wash over me.

I shook my head out of those memories. I slowly turned over so that my face was looking at my fathers. I could see the bags under his eyes and the distress clearly written all over his face.

"Will you ever tell me what exactly happened?"

"Maybe," I croaked out, my throat feeling dry and sore. My eyes hurt and my throat felt like sandpaper. I was pretty sure that I would never cry again seeing as all the tears in my body were wasted on him 

"Well, there's someone here to see you."

Quickly hiding underneath my blankets, my dad opened my bedroom letting someone in. I knew he had left since the door shut behind him and someone had sat on the edge of my bed.

"Darcy." My eyes instantly widened. Why was he here? 

"Why are you here?" I asked, keeping my face hidden.

"Because I am one of your best friends and I deserve to know what has happened."

I looked over at Luke Hemmings, the son of the infamous Australian singer, Luke Hemmings. Uncle Luke wasn't very creative with what to name his son and him and his wife just deiced to name him after Luke. Luke was my best friend since preschool. My dad and Uncle Luke had been on tour together before and they were all just really good friends so it made since that Luke Jr, and I would become best friends too. Having two Luke's around was usually confusing so we usually called Luke Jr, LJ. 

"Darce, what happened?"

I felt LJ  take away the blanket from my face and look at me. He had blondish/ brownish hair and these bright blue eyes that I could stare into all day. He looks exactly as Uncle Luke did as a young teen, crazy. 

"Derek broke up with me," I said. Just saying his name out loud made my heart hurt.

"What?! He broke up with you?" I could tell LJ was angry since he ran his fingers through his hair that always seemed to stick up in every direction.

"Yeah, right after I told him that I loved him."

"Wait, you told Derek Millings you loved him and he broke up with you?"

Just saying it out loud made me seem even more pathetic then before, "Basically," I mumbled.

"Well, he's missing out on someone really special, Darcy. You're an amazing, beautiful, talented girl and he's missing out on you. Any guy would die to have been in his position. I say we rub it in his face that you aren't sad and moping around. I say that we prove to him that you actually have showered and are getting through this."

A smile was trying to find its way onto my face, "And how do you expect us, I mean you, to do this?"

A giant grin formed on LJ's face and he said, "Well, I say we go to that new teen club downtown that gives alcohol. Rumor has it that, that is where Derek has been spending his nights now a days, He's been drowning his sorrows in cheap beer. I say you and I both go down there and dance our asses off and have a good time."

"I don't know, LJ. What about Jacob? He'll be upset we excluded him yet again."

LJ huffed, "Jacob will get over it, he always does. I'll just make it up to him later. I know you have many designer dresses in that closet of yours that will make boys go crazy. What's the worst that can happen?"

I sighed, "Alright. fine, but promise me something when we get there."

LJ nodded, "What?"

"Promise to get me so drunk that I can't even remember my name."



Song of Chapter: Anything but Love by Shane Harper 

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