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i've been a walking heartache

i've made a mess of me

the person that i've been lately

ain't who i wanna be


The next morning I awoke with a pounding headache and an upset stomach. Looking around the room, I knew I wasn't at my house and I knew that I couldn't really remember where I was. I remember taking shots and then speaking with Uncle Lou but I don't remember making it to a cozy bed. I took in my surroundings and noticed that the door was shut and the window curtains were drawn. 

I looked to the bedside table beside me and saw two pills and a glass of water. I mentally thanked Uncle Lou and put the pills into my mouth and swallowed some of the water. My head was pounding still but the growl in my stomach made me realize I was very hungry. 

I threw my hair up into a messy bun with the hair tie on my wrist. I walked into the hallway and went downstairs. It smelled like bacon and eggs and I moaned a bit. I walked into Uncle Lou and Aunt El's kitchen to see Uncle Lou flipping pancakes near the oven. 

"Hey sleepy head, how's your head feeling?"

I groaned. "Hurts like hell, what exactly happened last night?"

Uncle Lou turned the stove off and flipped the pancakes onto a plate that had eggs and bacon already on it. "Well you came over here crying and blubbering some shit with a bottle of vodka in your hand. I let you drink it since I'm the cool uncle but then you started making no sense so I cut the drink off and you began slurring your words and mumbling about Derek and your dad. I carried you upstairs and figured we could actually talk about your problems today."

I nodded my head, grabbing us each a glass to pour some orange juice into it. "Where's Aunt El?"

He smiled, "Herself and the girls went out to some brunch thing. It was for something, I can't really remember."

I thought for a bit and dug into the bacon that was sitting on a plate on the counter. "Today's dad's birthday."

Uncle Lou frowned. "Fuck me, I forgot. I didn't even get him a gift. I'll just text El to buy something. What did you get him?"

I mumbled. "Nothing," and finished eating my breakfast. 

"What do you mean 'nothing'?"

I looked up and took a sip of the orange juice. "I mean nothing as in I didn't buy him anything."

Uncle Lou frowned. "Why didn't you buy your own father a gift?"

I looked down, playing around a bit with the eggs with my fork, "Because, he doesn't deserve one."

Uncle Lou gasped, "OH! Could this be why you came over last night crying? What did he do?"

I sighed. "I didn't want to go to Uncle Liam's house because he would yell at me for getting drunk. I didn't want to go to Uncle Zayn's because he's still a little mad at me from what I said to dad and I didn't want to go to Uncle Niall's because he would get drunk with me and not let me vent my feelings so I came here because you're the cool one and have the best advice."

He nodded. "Alright, well tell me what's up buttercup."

And then, I told him everything.


"Long time no see. Where have you been?"

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