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we used to never go to bed angry

but it's all we ever do lately.

Little Nicholas to the side or above (Liam and Danielle's Son)


"He's such an idiot. I hate him so much," I said, sitting down at the lunch table in the cafeteria.

"Who is? Stephen or Derek?" Jacob asked, shoving a french fry into his mouth. "I can't keep up with your boy drama anymore."

"Honestly? It's both of them and I can't keep up anymore either. Derek showed up at my house again last night. He wasn't as drunk as the other night but he still showed up. He told me he would make it right again. Stephen on the other hand, is such a god damn douche bag. Every time I see him in the hallways he has to wink at me or grab my ass. When him and I are alone, he's such a sweet heart and a completely different person but when around his friends and the student body, he's disgusting. He has two different personalities and it confuses the shit out of me." 

Jacob sighed, shoving his fries towards me. I took one off the tray, dripped it into the honey mustard, and put it in my mouth. "Why are you always stuck with the idiots and complicated guys? Your life is something you would see on a reality television show or Hallmark movie. Or better yet, in a crappy romance novel!"

I looked over at Jacob, wiping my mouth with a napkin, "I don't know. I guess I'm just cursed. My whole family must be cursed. Everyone knows who my mother was and who my dad is."

Jacob sighed and started to gather up his trash and his tray since the warning bell just rung. "Forget about your mom and dad for a second. This is your life, not theirs. Do you love either of them?"

I looked at Jacob and then at my hands. "I definitely love Derek, with everything I have left of me. I thought I loved Stephen when I let him take my virginity but I don't anymore. How can I trust someone who acts like two different people? I can't really trust either one of them. What do I do? Who do I choose?"

Jacob frowned, "I don't know, love, I just don't know anymore."


"Darcy, is that you?" I heard Aunt Danielle shout from her kitchen, "Or is that Harry?"

I rounded the corner to walk into the kitchen and she smiled at me, "Okay, it's you. I had no idea if it was you or your father. Your footsteps and the way you two slam my door sound the same."

I laughed, going over to the kitchen table where little Nicholas sat, coloring in his Power Rangers coloring book. "Hey buddy," I said, ruffling his hair.

"Darcy!" He shouted, climbing down from the chair and running over to me. He wrapped his arms around my legs. Uncle Liam and Aunt Danielle only have one kid together. They lost the first baby during labor. It was a beautiful little baby girl. The doctor said that if they tried for anymore kids, Aunt Danielle will most likely die or the baby. Two years after the doctor said that to them, we found out Aunt Danielle was pregnant. For the whole nine months she was bound to her room and on bed rest. There were many complications during her pregnancy and after having little Nick, they can't have anymore kids. They're just happy they were both able to have at least one kid. The both of them were looking into adopting another child.

"How are you doing little man? How was school?"

He frowned. "I'm not little, I'm six years old and school was bad."

Love Me Harder✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora