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Alex sat at his desk, grading papers as his class took a test. He looked up to see two boys throwing spitballs at each other.

"Boys, if you would be kind enough to fail your tests in quiet, that would be fantastic," Alex said, and the two stopped.

"Sorry Mr. K," one said, and Alex shook his head, going back to grading. Those boys were two of the most disruptive of them all. He had tried separating their seats further, but it obviously didn't work. He heard a knock on the door, and one of his students walked over to open it. Jennifer peaked her head into the room. She waved at Alex and walked in.

   "Hey Alex-Mr Keaton," she corrected herself, remembering where she was. "Can I leave my softball bag in here?"

   "Sure," he said. "Just set it right there."

   "Thanks," she said. She made eye contact with one of the slacking boys who was balancing his pencil in between his nose and his lip and she giggled. They waved to each other and it was obvious they knew the other. Alex looked at the two and put his head in his hand, balancing his elbow on the desk. He had one word for his sister. No. She left the room and he made an attempt to forget the look she gave him. Alex drove home and sat next to his wife on the couch.

"I think Jennifer likes one of the guys from my class," he said, and Ellen raised her eyebrows.

"Alex don't get involved," she said. He crossed his arms and slumped into the couch.

"This is a bad kid I just know it," he said. Ellen shook her head and kissed his cheek.

   "I'm sure they're just friends," she said. Alex sat up.

   "You're probably right," he said. "Enough about me, how are you feeling?"

   "I'm okay," she said, and he pulled her into his side, kissing her hair. She laid her head on his chest and smiled.

"Why don't we go out to eat for dinner," he said.

"Sounds great," she replied. They stayed on the couch for a moment, talking about their days.

   The weekend after, Ellen and Alex were sitting in the Keaton house with the rest of the family. The doorbell rang, and Jennifer ran down the stairs.

   "I'll get it!" She exclaimed. She got to the door and smoothed out her outfit before opening it. There, stood Alex's problem student, Chris. Alex looked over at the door, then looked at Ellen. His eyes widened and he did a double take.

   "Hey Jenn," Chris said, and she let him into the house. He looked over and waved at the group, his letterman jacket rising with his arm. "Hi Mr K."

   Alex stared at him, and raised his arm slightly in a wave. Ellen looked at him, and grabbed his arm, setting it down on his lap.

   "Ready?" Jennifer asked the boy, and they began to walk out.

   "Jennifer can I talk to you for a moment," Alex said as she began to walk out. Everyone stared at Alex, and Jennifer gave him a look.

   "Well it's kinda a bad time," she said, moving her head to gesture to Chris. Alex ran up the step and grabbed her arm, before dragging her into the kitchen. They walked in. "Are you kidding me?"

   "Jenn what are you doing?" He asked in a stressed tone. "He's a bad kid."

   "He is not Alex," she replied, rolling her eyes.

   "Yes he is! He's in my class! He's disruptive and rude and gets awful grades," he said.

   "Alex, I am a grown woman. I can do what I want," she said, and with that, Jennifer left the kitchen and walked out the front door. Alex sat on the couch and slumped. Ellen ran a hand through his hair.

"Its fine Alex. I'm sure he's a very nice boy," Ellen said. He shook his head.

"I don't like this," he replied.

   "She didn't mention that the boy she was going out with was in your class," Elyse said, and Alex sat up.

   "Has she gone out with him before?" He asked. Steven and Elyse looked at each other.

   "She asked us not to say anything," Steven replied, giving him a sorry look. Alex's eye widened comically.

   "Are you kidding! He had in school suspension two weeks ago. He's failed every test I've given him," Alex said. Mallory rolled her eyes.

"Alex it's just a few dates," she said.

"Thats what we said about Nick," he replied, and Mallory rolled her eyes again.

"Alex," Ellen said. "Don't overreact."

"I'm not overreacting," he said.

"Yes you are Alex," Andy said, looking up from his chapter book.

   "Even Andy's turning against me," he said.

   "You're being dramatic!" Everyone in the room said. He backed away.

   "Fine. Fine," he said. They went home and Alex face planted on the bed. Ellen cross her arms and leaned against the wall. "I'm gonna call them and see if jenn got back yet."

   "Alex Keaton," she said, raising her eyebrows at him. She sat next to him and ran her hands through his hair. "Jennifer can take care of herself. Try not to worry."

   "That's easier said then done," he replied, moving his head so he was looking at his wife. "He's a bad influence."

   "Alex you can't stop her, or that will make her want to go out with him more," she advised. He nodded, face still in the mattress.

   "I know," he said, sitting up. "She's growing up, then Andy's next."

   "Well by then, you'll have your own child to watch after," she said, and he smiled.

"Yeah," he agreed, taking a moment to think about it. "I'm excited."

"I know you are," she replied. "I am too."

"Do you think it's a boy or a girl?" Alex asked, and Ellen blinked. She thought about it.

   "I'm not really sure," she said, and Alex laid down on the pillow, and she set her head on his chest. He kissed her head.

   "Well whatever it is, they'll be amazing."

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