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CaptainSwanEriel this ones for you

"Alex come here a second," Ellen called out quietly from the bedroom. Alex walked in from where he was packing up his briefcase for work.

"What's up?" He asked, walking into the bedroom, and seeing her still lying down in the bed.

"I don't feel well," she said. He walked over and set his hand on her forehead.

"Ellen you're burning up," he said, feeling her forehead. "Are you cold or warm?"

"Both," she said. Alex nodded.

"Alright. I'm gonna go call your boss and tell her you aren't going to work, then I'll call into my job," he said.

"No Alex you don't have to stay, you can go to work," she said, but Alex noticed her shivering under the blanket.

"Nope. I'm staying," he said, before leaving and making the calls. He then grabbed Ellen a cup of water and dragged their television set into the bedroom.

   "Thank you," she said. He pulled the blanket off of the bed and scooted in towards Ellen, pulling her closer while they watched the morning cartoons. "I don't want to get you sick."

   "I'll be fine," he said. "I'm practically invincible."

   "Sure you are," she said, hugging his waist tightly. He rubbed his hand up and down her arm, trying to warm her. She sneezed and he handed her a tissue.

   "Bless you," he said. Eventually, Ellen fell fast asleep. Alex moved out of bed slowly and wrote a quick note, telling her he was going to the store. He left it on the bed incase she woke up. He picked up ice cream and some soup, payed, and left. When he made it back to the apartment, Ellen was still asleep. He grabbed the letter and tossed it into the trash can, then put the ice cream in the freezer. He quietly grabbed a pan from the cabinet and put the soup on the stove. He finished and poured it into a bowl.

   "Alex?" Ellen said when she woke up. He peaked his head into the bedroom.

   "Hey honey," he said. "How are you feeling?"

   "Sick," she replied. "How long was I asleep?"

   "Hour and a half?" He guessed. "I made you some soup."

   "But we don't have any," she said, confused.

   "Yeah well, I ran to the store," he said. Ellen smiled.

   "Thank you," she said. He nodded and brought her the bowl and spoon. He grabbed a box of crackers from the cabinet as well.

"Are you still cold?" He asked her. She nodded and he pulled a heating pad out of the closet.

"I didn't know we had of of those," Ellen said. Alex nodded and plugged it in, putting it in a pillowcase and setting it on the bed, waiting for it to heat up.

"I forgot about 'til now," Alex said.

"I'm gonna take this to the sink," Ellen said, moving the blanket and trying to leave.

"I'll get that," Alex said, grabbing the bowl and spoon from her hand and walking out of the room. He washed them and set the objects in their collective places.

   "Alex I've gotta hand it to you, you've really matured. A couple of years ago you never would have done anything like this," she said.

   "Huh? I guess you're right," he replied. He leaned over and kissed her cheek, before hopping into the bed with her, pulling her close. She tossed her legs over his and leaned into his chest, feeling comforted by the common feeling she received from the contact.

   "Thank you for taking care of me," she said. He looked down at her with more love in his face and in his heart then he had ever felt.

   "Anytime," he replied.

   A few days later, Ellen was all better. She still had to wait to go back to work for two days, because she would be serving customers, so she stayed home while Alex went to work. When he came home, he saw that Ellen had framed pictures on the wall.

   "What's this?" He asked curiously, bending down to let Elvis.

   "It's a thank you for taking care of me while I was sick," she said. "What do you think?"

   "I love it," he said, hugging her from behind. He interlocked his arms around her waist and she turned her head so she could kiss him. He picked Elvis up off of the couch and ruffled the dogs fur gently.

"I love this picture," Ellen said, pointing to one of them when they were in college.

"Didn't my dad take that picture?" He asked.

"Yeah. You almost slipped on the carpet right after," she teased.

"Yeah that happens sometimes," he laughed.

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