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   "So why did you guys come?" Jennifer asked, confused, but thrilled nonetheless.

   "Yeah," Mallory said. "I mean- we love having you here, but is there a reason?"

   "Because I missed my family," Alex said, hugging the first two to greet him in the living room. Elyse looked down from the staircase.

   "There's the newly weds," she said, running down the stairs to give them hugs.

   "Hi mom," Alex said, kissing her cheek. She then hugged Ellen.

   "Hi Elyse," she said.

   "Alex!" Andy yelled from the kitchen. Alex laughed when he ran in through the door, bolting towards Alex, and tackling him so they were both on the floor. They all laughed.

   "Hi Andy," he said. "Missed ya."

   "We didn't tell him you were coming," Steven said as he walked in from the kitchen as well. He walked over and hugged Ellen, and looked down at his sons who were still on the floor talking. They stood up and Alex wrapped an arm around Ellen's waist.

   "So you guys said you had something to tell us?" Elyse said curiously. Alex and Ellen looked at each other and smiled.

   "Let's sit down," Alex said. He sat down in one of the chairs, and Ellen sat next to him tightly so they could both fit, while the rest of the family sat on the couch or the other chair.

   "So," Ellen said. "We've got some news..."

   The Keaton family sat in silence, waiting curiously for information. The couple looked at each other and gave looks that said go for it. They turned back to look at their family.

   "We're having a baby," Ellen said with a smile, raising her arms up in a shrug, and everyone screamed with excitement.

   "No way!" Jennifer exclaimed.

   "You guys!" Mallory exclaimed. They all stood up and tackled the couple in massive hugs.

   "We didn't know you guys were trying," Elyse said and Alex and Ellen looked at each other with secretive smiles, before going back to talking with their family.

   "This is so exciting!" Jennifer exclaimed. Alex looked down at Andy who looked like he was trying to decide how he felt. Alex kneeled down by where his brother was sitting on the couch.

   "You're gonna be an uncle," Alex said, and Andy's lips curled into a smile. Alex felt that he had accomplished his goal. Standing back up, he clapped his hands. "So how about lunch?"

   They talked at the table about how Ellen was feeling and about different plans. Elyse gave her tips about morning sickness and maternity clothes and Ellen tucked them away for later.

   The next day, Ellen and Alex were out for a walk around the neighborhood. They were two streets away from his childhood home when he noticed something.

   "Wow," Alex said, looking at a house. A big for sale sign was stuck in the grass. They looked at each other, noticing the papers next to the sign. "You don't think..."

   "Let's look at the paper," she said, walking towards it and picking one up. She looked at him and nodded. "Three bedrooms in our price range."

   "There's no way," he said, looking at the paper. Sure enough, it was correct.

   "What are the odds?" She questioned.

   "But I would need a job of course," he said. She nodded, agreeing.

   "Absolutely, and your business doesn't have a unit here," she said, and he agreed. But still, something made Ellen fold the piece of paper up and put it in her pocket. They then continued on their walk.

   The next day, Alex sat down on the living room couch and picked up the newspaper. He flipped it open and his eyes widened.

   "Honey!" He called out. Ellen peaked her head out from the kitchen.

   "What's up?" She asked, and he gestured for her to go closer. She walked over and sat on the arm of the couch, facing him.

   "The high schools looking for a new economics teacher," he said, and Ellen gave him a confused look before she realized and understood what he was saying.

   "Is the universe trying to tell us something?" She asked him, and he set the newspaper down, pulling her onto his lap. She wrapped an arm around his neck and played with his hair while they thought about their options.

   "I have no idea," he said. "I mean... come on. That's crazy. I worked to hard for that job in New York just to give it all up. Right?" Ellen took a breath before giving her input.

   "I don't know Alex, I mean, that seems like ages ago, doesn't it?" She asked him, and he nodded. "Do you think we should talk to your parents?"

   "We can talk to them tonight."

   Later, Elyse and Steven walked into their bedroom to get ready. When they walked in, they saw Ellen and Alex sitting on the bed, each sitting crisscross resting their heads in their hand, which was bent at the elbow. They both gave confused looks.

   "What's going on here," Elyse asked, walking over to sit on the bed, followed by Steven.

   "We need to talk to you," Alex said.

   "We could use some advice," Ellen said.

   "Sure?" Steven said. They began to explain the situation.

   "We just don't know what to do. We have a life out in New York, but it just kinda feels like all signs point here," Alex said. The two older adults nodded.

   "Do you want to know what we think, or do you just want advice?" Elyse asked.

   "Everything you've got," Ellen said. They nodded.

   "Well of course we want you to move back home so we can see you, but think of it this way. Where do you want your child to grow up?" Elyse asked, and it was like everything made sense for the young couple.

   "You guys are the best," Alex said.

   "Thank you so much," Ellen said. They immediately rushed out of the room, and Steven and Elyse looked at each other.

   "So what was their final decision?" Steven asked, and Elyse laughed.

   "No idea," she replied.

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