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Alex and Ellen were glad to be back home in New York. They enjoyed being with the Keaton family, but at the same time it was stressful, getting Steven back on his feet. It took a few days to get him up and running before they could leave. It was a sad goodbye, but they knew that they would see them at Christmas, which was about a month away. Completely doable. They picked up Elvis from the neighbors, who was excited to see his owners. They walked into the apartment and tossed their bags onto the floor. Alex laid on the bed and Ellen laid next to him.

"Thank you for helping us Ellen," Alex said. She looked at him and smiled.

"Anytime. We're a team," she said. "We go through everything together now."

"I like the sound of that," he said.

"You should be very proud of your siblings. They've all grown into very responsible and kind people," she said.

"I am. It worries me that Mallory stays at Nick's place most of the time," he told her.

"Well they are adults, and they have been together for much longer then you and me, and we live together," she tried to convince him that it was okay.

"I guess so. I do love living with you," he said, rolling onto his side, supporting his head with his hand, arm bent at the elbow.

"So do I," Ellen said. "Almost as much as I love you."

"Is that so?" He questioned her. She nodded and moved onto her side, mocking Alex's pose. He leaned forward and kissed her, setting the arm that wasn't supporting himself on her waist.

"Alex," she said when they separated. He nodded. "I'm sorry I left you for Paris."

"Yeah well I'm not," he said, and Ellen didn't quite know where he was going with this. "You deserve to be happy. And that's what made you happy then. And we found each other again. It's like that saying, if you love someone, let them go. If they return, it was meant to be. Or something like that."

"When did you become so sappy?" She asked him, laughing lightly, moving to cuddle him. "Is this the same guy who hated all of my friends because they were dancers?"

"I've had a lot of time to practice," he said. "And yes it is the same guy." He put and arm around her tightly and kissed her head as she closed her eyes for a moment. They then felt a weight on the bed, causing it to sink down slightly.

"Hi Elvis," Ellen said. They pulled the dog in close and Alex laughed when he licked his face.



"You're beautiful."

She blushed at the statement.

"Alex," she whined, covering her face. She wondered, how was it that after all this time, he could still make her blush like that?

"Well it's the truth," he said, holding Elvis up to his face. "Don't you think she's beautiful?" He asked the dog, and Elvis barked. "See! He agrees!"

"Well thank you both," Ellen said, sitting up and kissing Alex briefly. She then fell onto the pillow and curled up, closing her eyes trying to take a quick nap. Alex picked Elvis up and pulled the blanket up towards Ellen, tucking her in. He grabbed Elvis and they walked into the kitchen, where Alex poured him a bowl of water and a bowl of dog food.

   Alex stared out the window, thinking about all of those days without Ellen in his life. He realized now that he wasn't really himself with her gone. He remembered the emotions he had felt when she had left. How he barely ate anything, and how he slept on average two hours a night. Then he remembered the letter he had written her. He really did always love this girl. Even before he had met her. Even after she had left. And even more now.

The next day, the two finally returned to work.

"How's your dad?" Alex's coworkers asked him.

"He's going to make a full recovery," he would inform them lightheartedly, before moving onto his work.

"Ellen thank god you're back we've been seriously understaffed," her coworkers said.

"Good to know I'm needed," she responded.

She immediately set to work, fulfilling orders and listening to the town gossip from the others.

   When the couple both got home they looked at each other.

   "Good to be back?" Ellen asked. Alex nodded.

   "I miss my family," he said laughing, then Ellen laughed.

   "Why don't you give them a call," Ellen said, smiling widely.

   "Good idea."

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