Quickly, we go through our list and fill our shopping baskets. While we stand in the queue before the counter, Ben, Luke, and their Delta, Jake, enter the shop. Ben notices us and makes a beeline for Claire.

"You're still alive," Ben says to Claire. "I thought something must've happened to you since you didn't take my calls."

"I don't waste my time attending unnecessary calls," Claire says.

They must be going through one of their hate phases now.

"Well, you better start wasting time if you want the next batch of inhibitors. I know you'll be needing them soon."

I fight the urge to laugh. Ben is not wrong. Claire has been getting into a heat episode nearly every week. The inhibitors have been saving her ass, but she's almost out of stock.

"And who do you think is the reason for that? Shouldn't you be taking responsibility for your actions?" Claire says.

Good going, Claire. Keep it up.

Ben gets very close to her, and I pray no one who could recognize us is in the shop. It would be big news if Claire and Ben were spotted together.

He seductively whispers into her ear, "There are better ways I can take responsibility for your heat than giving you inhibitors. Let's spend some time together once a week, and you won't need this many inhibitors."


He's got a point, though. If they have sex frequently, the frequency of the heat will lower.

I can hear Claire swallow. My sexually deprived friend is at her limit. However, she's Claire after all. She won't lose t–

"When and where?" she asks.


"I'll text you," he smoothly says with a wink. Then he turns to me. "I heard you went on a date with Andy."

Of course, he did. Who hasn't?

"I arranged it," Claire says.

"Even though she has a mate?" Ben asks her.

"A mate who has a girlfriend of his own," Claire snaps back.

I liked it better when they were talking about their sex life.

"Fair enough," Ben says. "So you'll be seeing him again?" Ben asks me.

It feels like deja vu.

"She will," Claire says.

Ben sighs. "Why don't you let her answer?"

Claire says, "Why don't you let him ask?"

Stop talking about Luke and I like we aren't here!

"I'm the one who wants to know," Ben says.

"I'm the one who wants to inform," Claire says.

And I'm the one who wants to run away.

Wonder what Luke wants.

Our turn at the queue arrives. I grab Claire's basket and start moving our stuff from the baskets to the counter. The cashier starts to run them under the bar code reader. Meanwhile, Ben and Claire continue to argue – or flirt. I can't tell which one at this point.

I unwrap my reusable bag and put in our stuff that has been scanned. After the final scanning, the cashier reads out how much I've to pay. I fish for my debit card in my purse when Luke drops a stack of notebooks on the counter from behind me. "Add this to the bill," he says.

MATE AND HIS LOVER 3Where stories live. Discover now