Chapter 17

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Spinel's P.O.V

I'm paralyzed with fear, looking up at the monstrosity that's my boyfriend. I knew he was having trouble with his powers but since when did they extend this far?! Pink never had the ability to do that. But whether that matters no is irrelevant. I must save Steven as he saved me.

"That can't be Steven!" Pearl shrieks "That can't be my baby!".

"Whether you believe it or not, Pearl, it is" Garnet answers, peering up at the lumbering pink godzilla monster "But how could this have happened?"

"Something must've gone wrong with his training with the Diamonds" Lapis says, offering a suggestion "He either didn't learn to control his powers or they caused this to happen".

"GUYS!" Amethyst cuts in loudly "We can figure this whole thing out later! Right now we have to save Steven and turn him back to normal!".

"I have to speak to him" I speak up, making everyone turn to look at me "I know I can get him back".

"Umm, no offence, but why you?" Peridot asks.

"He went to the Diamonds to control his powers, but he did it for me. Steven didn't want me to be hurt by him. This is my fault. So I have to be the one to fix this" I argue firmly.

"Ok but how are we gonna get you close enough to him as to where you can talk?" Lapis points out, peering back at the growling monster.

"As much as it pains me to say..." Garnet begins, summon her gauntlets "...we might have to knock him down".

"What? NO!" I argue, standing in front of the fusion "I won't let you hurt my boyfriend! There are other ways to do this without resorting to violence!".

"Well, what other choices do we have? It's not like we can hug him collectively and instantly cure him that way. That would be stupid" Lapis interjects. I sigh, knowing she's right.

"Fine....just don't hit too hard" I plead.

"Trust me, Spinel, I don't like doing this anymore than you do" Garnet levels with me. I nod and we all turn back to Steven.

He hasn't moved in the amount of time we've talked. It's almost like he's confused, some part of him battling the rest of him and telling himself to stop. At least that's what I'm hoping. The Gems all summon their own weapons and I just sigh, taking a running stance in the sand. Oh Steven, please forgive me for what I'm about to do.

The Gems and I then charge right at Steven, our feet pounding the sand mercilessly. As soon as we start to near him, it's like a switch goes off. Steven twitches and growls, swinging his tail at us. Partially expecting that, we all jump over it and continue on towards him, Peridot landing on his tail and crawling up his scaly back. Lapis summons her wings and flies at Steven's face to confuse him, only to narrowly miss a slap to the side from one of his clawed hands. The rest of us are now underneath him, right where he can't spot us.

"So what's the plan here?" Amethyst asks.

Garnet glances at his legs and an idea comes into play. "I have an idea. Amethyst, wrap your whip around both of his legs as tight as you can. Spinel you do the same, let's make this giant timber."

Me and Amethyst both nod and move forward with the plan. My body stretches around his legs, coiling around them like a snake while Amethyst wraps her whip around.

"Guys!" Lapis barks down at us, "get him in the Ocean, I can use my water chains to keep him down while Spinel tries to talk to him."

Me and Amethyst nod, pushing against him as we can see him losing his balance. Amethyst and I wrap tighter around till Steven begins to tumble backwards. We jump off before we're crushed.

Lapis immediately raises her hands, summoning her water chains locking them around his arms, legs and body. "Spinel! Your up."

I spring forward onto his chest like a trampoline. He struggles, growling and letting out a roar trying his best to break free from the chains. "Steven, my darling..." kneeling down in front of his face with a heartbroken look. "What happened to you? This isn't you. You love people, you love gems, you don't try to destroy them!"
He looks at me, not with malicious intent. Did I get through? "Steven! Baby is that you? Come back to us, come back to me," I lean down about to kiss his face.

His pupils go from the ones I love to a deep dark black and pink. He then struggles more, letting out vicious roars. "I.. I can't hold him much longer..." Lapis says, struggling with her powers to hold him down.

Suddenly his eyes began to glow brightly, along with the spikes along his spine. "Get out of there Spinel!" Garnet jumps, snatching me off his chest.  The chains of water break off as he stands up, his eyes glowing brighter until he puffs out his chest.

"Everybody get out of there!" Lapis screams at us.

Steven lets go of his breath, releasing a plasma beam towards us. Luckily we moved out of the way at the last second before were vaporised, but half the ground where we were standing was completely destroyed, along with there being a hole through the cliff side of the temple. He then looks down at us, eyes teaming with destruction gleaming.

"What now, Garnet?" I pant.

"If going at him separately won't work, then it's time to mix it up" The fusion replies "Amethyst, fuse with me".

Amethyst looks over at Garnet, nodding. The two then start their fusion dance, Steven picking up on it and looking ready to charge them. He then runs full speed at us and just as Garnet and Amethyst combine, their new form halts Steven with a firm hand, pushing them back in the sand. The glow then dies and a large blue and black fusion with pointed visors like Peridot glares at the monstrous Steven.

"Sorry about this, Steven, but this has gone far enough" The voice of the fusion states, summoning a larger version of Amethyst's whip with a massive gauntlet on the end.

The fusion then spins it around really fast before whacking Steven across the face with it. This sends Steven backwards, tumbling across the ground. He then holds his head in his clawed hands as Sugilite runs at him for another go. As she grinds to a halt in front of him, the fusion sends the weapon spiraling around Steven's head before the end comes around to once again smack him in the face.

All this does is just make Steven angry though. He growls loudly, a shockwave pushing Sugilite as he gets up and shakes off the pain. Steven then bares his sharp teeth and as Sugilite swings at him, he grabs the end and yanks her forward, only to have her come in contact with his fist. The blow knocks the fusion into the cliff side of the Temple, making a large impact crater. While that isn't enough to make them unfuse, another reared back punch from Steven does the trick, Garnet and Amethyst falling to the ground in a heap. He then goes to step on them but I quickly pull Amethyst away as Lapis swoops in and saves Garnet.

Everyone's regrouped now, Amethyst looking ready to try something else. Pearl is too and after the pair match gazes, they nod and twirl into each other, their forms merging into one tall and many armed fusion with a long ponytail. This new fusion, which I can only assume to be an Opal, summons Amethyst's whip along with Pearl's trident, twirling them both around until bringing them together and pulling back to reveal a bow. Opal then pulls back on the drawstring and an energy of violet energy appears. The fusion fires and hits Steven in the forehead, making him shrink back and growl in pain.

Opal then charges at him, bringing tree arrows onto her bow now as Peridot, Lapis, Bismuth, Garnet, and I charge at him as well. Opal  dances around, firing shot after shot at Steven, my poor boyfriend taking most of the hits while swiping back at the fusion any chance he gets. Meanwhile, as Opal and Steven clash, Lapis grabs my hands and flies me up towards him. Going right behind him, I snake my legs around his neck, tightening them to the point where it's considered choking. Steven claws at his neck, his growls growing frantic. It pains me to have to do this, tears leaking out of my eyes.

I almost think it's working but just like Sugilite, things start to go wrong. As Opal sends another arrow at Steven, it misses and is sent backwards via his hand and accidentally hits Lapis. She loses her grip on me and I fall to the ground, loosening my grip on Steven's neck. Feeling that he can breathe better now, Steven brings a hand down on Opal. He misses with her jumping out of the way but doesn't miss when his tail comes around to smack her into the cliff wall. Seeing as how Opal isn't as durable as Sugilite, the fusion trembles weakly after colliding with solid rock before unfusing into Pearl and Amethyst. Luckily, both are able to make a run for it as Peridot and Bismuth kick and hit at Steven's shin, giving it enough force as to where he ends up on one knee, his head hanging. We all then regroup, everyone feeling tired.

"It's....still not enough" Amethyst pants, looking up Steven.

"There's only one thing left we can try but it'll take all three of us together" Garnet grimaces, holding her side.

"We gotta run him into the cliff though" Amethyst points "The only way we're winning this is if we strike first and strike hard. He's been able to deal some damage with that piece of solid rock, now let's turn it on him. Then, it's one more chance for you, Spinel"

"Al-Alright" I bite my lip, nervous.

"Then let's finish this" Garnet says, holding hands with Pearl and Amethyst.

The trio then closes their eyes, concentrating as their forms shine. Melding all into one, this fusion stands the tallest and strongest yet. As Steven stills kneels on the ground, Alexandrite runs full speed at him,  picking him up and throwing him into the cliff. Steven makes contact and hits his head, whining in agony. Alexandrite then holds him against the cliff, preventing him from escaping. Steven tries to claw at her and get out of her grasp but Alexandrite dodges and forces Steven back further into the rock wall.

"Steven, stop" The mixed voice of the fusion states. Steven doesn't listen though and continues struggling against Alexandrite's grip. The rest of us then run over and help the fusion hold Steven in his place.

"Steven, stop" Lapis pleads.

"Steven, stop" Peridot begs.

"Steven, stop" Bismuth pleads.

As everyone is talking him down, I spring myself back up to his face, landing right on his nose. Sighing, I walk slowly up to where he can see me, sitting down on my legs in front of his eyes.

"Steven, please, stop doing this!" I cry "If you don't stop this right now, I'll just go back to the Garden and disappear forever! Please, baby, I can't live my life without you!!! I LOVE YOU, STEVEN UNIVERSE! I LOVE YOU! PLEASE COME BACK TO ME!".

Steven then stops struggling, his pupils gazing down at me. I search them for something other than rage and destruction. Miraculously, there's a sliver of remorse in there. Smiling through my tears, I bring my face closer to his.

"Come back to me, Steven" I murmur, planting a kiss on his face.

He then whimpers and begins crying himself, his head slumping back against the rock wall. His eyes then close and he goes completely still. The Gems still hold him though, not knowing if this is some sort of fake out or not. I, on the other hand, lean down and press my forehead against his face, closing my eyes as well. It's then that I feel a presence in my mind. My mind spaces out and I'm sitting in a black void, hearing a slow gentle sob in front of me. Looking up, I see my boyfriend as he regularly is, pink jacket and everything, kneeling down in front of me.

"I'm a monster, Spinel" Steven cries "I'm a freak and an accident. I harm more people than I save. I can't even control myself. Why am I here?".

I crawl forward and place my hands upon his, making him look up.

"You're not the only one who knows what it's like to feel like a monster" I say, looking down "With the things I've done, both to you and to your home, I'm just as much a freak if not a bigger freak than you. But you know, none of that matters to me. You know why?".

"Why?" Steven sobs.

"Because, in the end, none of us are perfect. We could be molded by a Kindergarten to try and be the most perfect gem possible but even then we wouldn't be perfect. I have my flaws and you have yours. Your powers don't define who you are. You do. And it's the person I love more than anything" I answer.

It's utter silence for a moment before I go to hug my broken boyfriend. He takes a bit to respond but after a little while, he returns the gesture, crying even harder into my shoulder.

"Is it too late for me, Spinel?" He asks, nearly begging.

"No" I reply "It's never too late. Just come back to me".

I then feel myself come to, my eyes opening and noticing that Steven's doing the same. His form then starts glowing again, only this time, he begins to shrink down. Alexandrite then catches me as I fall off, setting me on the ground before unfusing into Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst. Steven's form then keeps on shrinking and shrinking until the glow fades and he's back to his normal form. His clothes are torn, quite widely I might add, but that doesn't stop me from running over and sitting down right in front of him, hugging him tenderly. I need only feel his touch and his hug back to know that he's with me. There's complete silence, besides the occasional rock fall from the cliff craters, but none of that matters to me. The only thing that matters...

Is that I have my Steven back.

Welp, how was that for a fight scene, y'all? Wolf and I really did our best, even though we ourselves weren't quite sure how we were gonna do it. I thought that the addition of the fusions into the mix would make for a more well-rounded fight but what do you guys and gals think? There's still a little bit left to this story, along with a nice good surprise at the end but saying anything more would be spoiling. I hope y'all enjoyed and I'll hand this off to my bro now. Until next time though, bye!

As he said we're nearing the end of this story. We appreciate all of you who have stuck with us through the hiatuses, and months this wasn't updated. Almost 20k reads and me and King could not be more thankful to all of you who have enjoyed this book. Anyway, as always we'll see you guys in the next one, laters.  :)

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