Chapter 16

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Spinel's P.O.V
It's a slow, quiet morning that I wake up to today. Another day that my one and only isn't here by my side to whisper things in my ear that get me tingling with joy and sweep me off my feet to make me feel like a Diamond. I'm not giving on the fact that he'll return, I know he will. It's just the painful question of when Steven will come back.

Sighing and stretching the kinks out of my back, I slide out from underneath his covers and trudge down the stairs, the Gems no doubt waiting below with breakfast prepared already. Sure enough, as soon as they come into view, a steaming plate of eggs is being put in my place at the table courtesy of Pearl.

"Good morning, Spinel" She greets me, a warm smile plastered on her face.

"To you as well, Pearl" I reply, my tone heavy with sorrow.

I then take my seat and immediately begin digging in, the other gem's stares on me. I pay them no attention though, not wanting to wonder what they're thinking about me right now. It's not that I'm hateful or critical of them, it's in fact quite the opposite. We've all really hit it off since Steven left for training with the Diamonds. Pearl and I have gotten along, Garnet is fine talking with me, and even Amethyst likes showing me some of the different restaurants around Beach City. It's almost perfect. And I say almost because......well.....they know why.

"Spinel" Garnet speaks up "I know you miss him, I really do. But don't let your day be wasted by squandering in self pity. My Cutie Pie will be back sooner than you think and you can do whatever you want with him. Until now, don't let it get you down".

"Yeah, yeah, I guess" I mumble, spooning more eggs into my mouth.

"Dude, you could even call him later. Ever think of that?" Amethyst says, sliding into the seat next to me.

"I have. But, what if he's busy? What if he doesn't want to talk to me?" I tell her, that last thought almost bringing tears into the mix.

"Is this the same Steven Universe we're talking about here? Because I know for a fact that he'd never miss a chance to spend time talking with you, Spinster" Amethyst hints.

"You know what? You're right, Amethyst. I'll call my love later and I'm sure I'll feel better!" I reply, my tone brightening. She then claps me on the back.

"That's the spirit" The Quartz smiles, hopping down from the chair.

"So, what are the plans for Homeschool today?" I ask Pearl, finishing up my breakfast.

"Well, Garnet's going to be teaching a meditation class today and I am going to be instructing some gems on how to use a cell phone. No doubt they've dealt with more advanced technology before from Homeworld but if they're to fully understanding how humans will, this has to be on their list of priorities. Especially considering how often human teenagers on their phones these days anyway" She answers, muttering that last portion.

"Oh, ok. Is there anything I can do to help?" I ask, handing Pearl my dirty plate.

"Really?! You want to help out in Little Homeschool?!" Amethyst somewhat exclaims.

"I do" I grin confidently "Garnet's right. It's time I made something of myself while Steven's away on Homeworld. Besides, when he gets back, he could join me and we could teach together. It'd keep us going strong having a similar task that we'd both enjoy doing". The Gems smile all around, clearly approving.

"If it's what you want, then who are we to say no?" Pearl smiles, washing the plate.

"Tell ya what, S. You come follow me today and help out where you can. I'll show you the ropes on how this teaching stuff works no problem" Amethyst offers.

"I'd like that, Amethyst. I really would" I reply earnestly.

"Sweet!" The Quartz cheers.

Pearl's phone then starts buzzing, the pale gem herself setting down what's working on and picking it up. Due to the expression on her face after answering, I know something bad is up.

"Connie? Is everything alright?" Pearl asks, a hint of worry in her voice.

"No. Are you seeing this?" The human's voice replies gravely. I wander over to where Pearl is standing and look at her phone screen, a rather scary sight of Little Homeworld in smoking ruins, or at least the start of it.

"WHAT?! WHAT IS GOING ON OVER THERE?" Pearl shrieks, Garnet and Amethyst running over to see what the matter is. Their faces go to complete shock as they see the damage already done. I can hardly believe what I'm seeing myself, let alone wondering how they're feeling about it.

"I was on my way over to see if Spinel wanted to hang out or go to the store but as I was passing Little Homeworld, it was looking like this!" Connie exclaims, pointing to it behind her.

"Connie, did you happen to see what has caused the damage?" Garnet interrupts, moving in front of Pearl.

"It's not so much a 'what' rather than a....'who'" Connie gulps, biting her lip as if she's afraid about saying who it is. Just by the way she says it, I'm getting a nervous suspicion if she's gonna say who I'm thinking it's gonna be.

"Who is it then?" Amethyst chimes in. There's a pause on the other end before Connie reveals it.

"It's Steven".

Steven's P.O.V
I look around the crumbling structures of Little Homeworld, the ever present flow of rage and power coursing through every part of me. I thought to myself after shattering Jasper "what good has this little society done in all that we've tried to raise it to be?". These gems came here to change but it's never that easy. Besides, some of them may not even want to. Who's to say that they'll not end up like that annoying orange Quartz too? It's best they all parish, for nothing good can come from them still staying alive. So, I trotted my way here, politely knocked on the front door, and entered. And by politely knocked, I mean I punched my way in and may have stomped on a few gems anyway. Didn't know they were here and didn't know if they got shattered but doesn't matter. Death is a natural part of life. After all, nothing lives forever, not even gems.

"Steven?! What are you doing?!" Lapis flies by, landing in front of me.

I just chuckle, "What was ever the point of Little Homeschool? Just wasted my time. These gems have done nothing productive, so they were pointless meaning they didn't deserve to live."

She looks at me in pure fear, "What happened to you?..."

"I stopped being nice," I rear my fist back and punch her, sending her flying into a building. I look down and see my skin becoming more scaley. Heh, I'm becoming what I always knew I'd be. There's no denying it. I am a monster.

Narrator's P.O.V
Just like a light switch as if on cue. Steven began to grow in height, his clothes tearing off his body with spikes protruding from his back. A scaly tail grew from behind him as his eyes became pure jet black with dark pink pupils. Horns grow from the top of his head to the sides of his cheeks. He lets out a deep roar, shaking the ground around him.

Spinel's P.O.V
"What do you mean it's Steven? He wouldn't cause any of this!" Pearl says in clear panic.

We hear a roar on the other side of the phone, something I'd never heard before. "You guys gotta get over here now!" Connie screams before the phone cuts off.

"Connie? Connie?!" Pearl repeatedly asks before the ground, or heck the whole Earth starts shaking.

All of us rush out of the house to see what's going on. There before us was a giant beast covered in scales from head to toe with horns. What chills me to the bone is the gem that's in the naval.


A bit of a short chapter, but the build up is necessary my friends. Personally, I can promise that y'all ain't gonna be ready for what me and bro have coming in chapter 17. You can guess as best you can but we got a surprise inbound. That's all I'm gonna say on it. Thank you for reading and have a good day/ life. Until next time though, bye!

My bro is right, we have to do it this way for good reason. So I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and don't worry even after this we're not done collabing. We already have something else in the making. So we'll see you guys in the next one, laters.  :)

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