02 | can't you see me

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AS THE PERSON CAME into view, he opened his palms by his side in a placating gesture, but I still didn't lower the blade. A jagged scar ran down his left wrist—a potential area of weakness. He continued to walk closer, albeit cautiously.

What game was he playing?

"Who are you?" Breaking the silence, I gritted my teeth, eyes flicking to the woods behind him. Although he was taller and probably stronger, if he made a move, I could buy myself enough time to run.

I held my knife out even farther, and he finally got the message. Halting in place, he responded without missing a beat. "I'm Aleksander, Xander Moreau. Who are you?"

What was his true motive? He appeared to be around my age, maybe of some Russian and Filipino descent, but from my recollection, he definitely wasn't a student from my classes. Running a hand through his jet-black curls, he assessed me as well, grey eyes boring into mine.

I could definitely take him on.

Keeping my tone detached, I studied his movements. Something was puzzling in his gait, enough to keep my hand on my blade. "I don't think you're in the position to ask questions right now."

For all I know, he could've been the one who brought me to this location, abducting me as part of a sick revenge plot or something equally as bad.

He seemed familiar, like I'd met him before somewhere, but I couldn't place my finger on it. "Did you bring me here?"

Xander raises his eyebrows, eyes almost disbelieving. "How would've I taken you here if I barely know you?"

True, he did have a point, but I didn't let my guard down. And I would never admit it.

"Do you have any idea where we are?"

"I have no clue," he scrutinizes the surrounding area, "If I've been here before, I would recognize it immediately. Judging by the way you asked that question, I'm assuming you don't know either." I unknowingly pursed my lips, and he smirked.

"How did you get here?" Perhaps he had answers to a few of the numerous questions clouding around in my brain.

"This is going to be a long one." Crossing his arms, Xander leaned against a nearby tree. He was awfully relaxed, considering the fact that I was threatening him with a weapon. "What do you want to know?"

I narrowed my eyes; was I the only one left in the dark? "Everything."

He let out a sigh. "I woke up in the middle of the forest with my entire body sore. Normally, staying vigilant is natural for me, but the world seemed to be swaying as I tried to stand up. I assume you were trying to scope out the vicinity too, judging by the loud crack. Of course, I traced the sound, leading me to you."

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