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Jihoon is glaring on his kidnappers and hopes that they will end in the deepest hell. The whole breakfast is just pure ordeal. He is strapped in the stupid highchair and a plastic tray is locked in front of him so he can't move away from them. Jeonghan is shoving a soft rubber spoon in his mouth and Jihoon has to swallow the disgusting baby food while the two men eat bacon and eggs. He hoped that they won't force the pacifier back but as soon as Jeonghan fed him the mushed food, the pacifier goes back between his lips and he has to sit there and watch them finishing their breakfast. Mingyu has a free day today so he is ready to help Jihoon with settling in their home.

It takes forever before they finally take him out of the high chair and carried him in the living room. The room is huge with big TV hanging on a wall and a spacious grey couch. There is also bookcase with tons of books but these aren't for the baby. Close to the floor to ceiling windows is standing a small table made from bright yellow plastic and there are two red bean bags next to it. On the table are lying a few coloring books and boxes with crayons. There is also a white wide toy organizer but it is going to take some time before Jihoon will be allowed to play with them. For now, he is a baby and a baby has special toys. Jeonghan and Mingyu sat down on the couch and Jihoon is sitting in his teacher's lap.

"We need to have a serious discussion but your pacifier is going to stay in until we can believe you."

Jihoon angrily frowns at them but they don't mind it.

"You are our baby, you are going to act like a baby, you are going to use diapers like a baby and you are going to listen to us."

Jihoon started to cry and Jeonghan lightly smacked his husband's back because Mingyu is too harsh.

"We are your mommy and daddy from now and we love you. I am your mommy and this is my husband and your daddy. There is no reason to be scared, we only want to give you the love you deserve."

Jeonghan smiles at him again and kissed his forehead while Jihoon can't stop crying. He doesn't want to use diapers, he wants to go home. Right now!

Jihoon is screaming behind the pacifier and his face is becoming red so Jeonghan got up and started to gently bounce him in his arms to calm down the distressed baby. It doesn't work but Mingyu is already heading in the kitchen to prepare something for him. He takes a bottle of milk from the fridge and poured some of the milk in a baby bottle. He put the bottle in the microwave and crushed a few pills into a powder. These pills will cause that Jihoon will be no longer able to control his bowel movements, he will mess the diapers like a small baby he is. There is also a pill which will cause that he won't be able to move much. Mingyu might use pills to heighten Jihoon's sensitiveness but it can wait. He brings the bottle to Jeonghan who quickly unfastened the gag and pushed the nipple in Jihoon's mouth. The boy cries and refuses to suck. He is glaring on the two crazy men and Jeonghan sighed. He squeezed the bottle a bit and Jihoon has to swallow if he doesn't want to choke. The milk isn't so bad, it is warm and sweet. Jihoon also realized that he is quite thirsty after breakfast and crying so he starts to gently suck on the rubber nipple and hopes that they won't notice it.

It takes a while to drink the whole bottle and then Jeonghan put Jihoon on his chest and started to pat his back. Jihoon doesn't know what is the man doing but then feels a bubble of air traveling up by his throat and he loudly burped. Mingyu wipes his mouth with a burp cloth and then the pacifier goes back. Jeonghan put Jihoon down on his tummy on a soft padded mat and Mingyu brings some toys to entertain their baby. There is a rattle, some soft balls and stuffed animals and more. However, Jihoon doesn't care about the toys and the adults are trying to get his attention by shaking the toys right in front of his face. Jihoon angrily lies his head down on the soft mat and they coo because they think that he is only tired. Jihoon just wants to have a bit of time to think about an escape plan. He knows that he can't move his legs and arms, he also knows that these two were ready for kidnapping him and now they won't let him go so easily. Jihoon angrily huffed and ran his tongue over the rubber nipple. He isn't a baby, he won't break and play their twisted game.

Jeonghan and Mingyu know that Jihoon won't become their baby so easily but at least the drugs Mingyu put in his bottle are going to work soon. After a bit longer Jihoon feels that he has to pee. He is lying on his stomach so the pressure on his bladder is even bigger and the diaper is making his crotch to feel hot. Jihoon squirms a bit and turns his eyes to Jeonghan. He is silently begging him to take him in a bathroom to use a toilet but Jeonghan acts like he doesn't understand him. He picked him up and sat him in his lap so Jihoon's back is pressed to his chest. Jeonghan started to bounce him up and down and doesn't mind Jihoon's futile attempts to get out of his embrace. Jihoon crossed his legs and hopes that it will help to stop himself from pissing in the diaper. However, it is useless and Jeonghan only hugs him tighter. His warm hands find their way on Jihoon's underbelly and Jeonghan gently applied pressure on the soft belly. Jihoon started to cry again because now he really can't stop the weak trickle of urine from leaving his body. The diaper is growing warmer and heavier with hot urine and Jihoon's face is bright red with shame. He hides his face in his hands and feels that someone is picking him up. It is Mingyu who brings supplies to change their baby's diaper while Jeonghan picked up the boy to unfold a white changing mat with yellow ducks on it. He laid Jihoon on the soft mat and unbuttoned the buttons on the onesie. Jeonghan cooed on his baby and gently pulled his hands away from his face.

"There is nothing wrong. Babies mess their diapers because they are too small to hold it."

Jeonghan smiles at him and opened the wet diaper. Mingyu handed him a package of wet wipes and Jeonghan started to wipe his bum and crotch. Jihoon's shame is even bigger because this situation - his former teacher is wiping his ass after he pissed in a diaper. He is ready to die because of the huge embarrassment and weakly whimpered behind the pacifier. Jeonghan calmly cleaned him so his skin won't get irritated and then rubs a rash cream in his skin. The man unfolds a clean diaper and doesn't mind that Jihoon is trying to kick him. He only grabs the boy's small ankles in one hand and raised his legs up so he can slide the diaper underneath him. Jihoon feels the diaper rubbing against his skin and his crotch is enveloped by the soft material and Jeonghan closed the sticky tapes on his sides. He smiles again at his poor baby and gently strokes his tearstained cheeks.

"I think that someone deserves a nap."

Jeonghan closed the buttons and let his husband pick Jihoon up. Mingyu goes into the nursery and tucked Jihoon in his crib. He knows that the boy is too weak to do anything so he doesn't restrain him and only turned on the baby monitor. Jihoon weakly turned his head away when Mingyu leaned down to him and kissed him on the forehead but the man doesn't mind it. He knows that their baby boy needs a bit of time and their love to accept his new life.

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