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Jeonghan comes home tired and sad. His husband is already cooking dinner when Jeonghan collapsed on a chair in their kitchen.

"I can't be happy when my baby isn't happy."

His husband Mingyu turned around to face him with a sad smile. Mingyu is the one who is hesitating with getting their baby. All their friends already have a baby or even two, only Mingyu is stopping Jeonghan from getting their baby. Jeonghan is angry but he loves his husband, maybe that he is too impatient. On the other hand, their house is prepared for their baby and Jeonghan wants the baby right NOW. They eat dinner in silence and Jeonghan is keeping glancing on the empty highchair. Suddenly Mingyu put his silver utensils down and wiped his mouth with a napkin.

"Just stop, please. I don't want to make things too fast, we could make a mistake if we hurry up the process of adopting him."

Jeonghan nodded because he knows the hardship of their friend Hoseok. The guy was almost arrested, police were so close to getting him. Jeonghan put the dishes in the dishwasher and then they go upstairs to take a shower together. In a while, the couple is cuddling together and Mingyu is stroking the naked back of his husband. Jeonghan sighed and looked at the peaceful face of his partner. He has always thought that his husband wants a baby just much as himself but now he is doubting that. Jeonghan did most of the preparations while Mingyu only paid for everything, he wasn't speaking into Jeonghan's work so the nursery and other things were bought only because of Jeonghan's opinion. Suddenly he feels ashamed because maybe he is too selfish. He wants the baby and probably forgot about his husband which should never happen.

Jihoon came home and finds only an empty house. His parents are somewhere in the city and Jihoon goes into the kitchen. There is no dinner waiting for him and he knows that there aren't any instant noodles or frozen foods. His mother doesn't approve unhealthy food but cooks quite rarely. Jihoon is hungry but he can't cook. He goes into his room and sighed. Today he had practice with their school orchestra where he plays the cello. His instrument is bigger than himself but his mother thinks that it will sound good on Jihoon's college application. All his parents do is forcing him to study hard and do everything to get to the best college in South Korea. They don't see their son Jihoon but only a puppet who will do whatever they want. Jihoon put the heavy cello in corner of his room and sat down on his bed. Weekend is here and everyone is making plans with their friends while Jihoon is going to be alone and studying as always. He sighed and laid down. Silent tears leave his eyes and Jihoon started sobbing. He hates being alone and ignored by everyone, he just wants a tiny bit of attention and love. Jihoon has no idea that loving mommy and daddy are ready to give him all the love in this universe.

A BABY 🍼Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora