chapter 17

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Karasuno vs nekoma
Karasuno vs Aoba Johsai
Karasuno vs Fukurōdani
Karasuno vs Johzenji
Karasuno vs Shiratorizawa

He sat there awkwardly for a bit before placing his arms around her getting comfy. The others in the room shortly snapped out of the shock and realised the situation. Oikawa smugly waiting for suga to kill their ace but that never happened suga was just sat there smiling at asahi proud of him for even being able to get that close with a girl. Hes known asahi all his years in the volleyball club and knows that hes a good guy that would never hurt anyone so he wasnt completely against him wit hinata but he still wasn't going to give his baby over easily.

Third P. O. V.

As hinata lay asleep cuddling up to asahi all the other teams were giving off a threatening aura. Oikawa was muttering about how he was going to fight that man bun man for touching his chibi ~ chan. Someone was subbed in for asahi as no one could work up enough courage to wake up hinata as she was just too adorable. But everyone was worried who she was talking about when she hugged asahi.

One thing on everyones mind was 'if it's a boy I'll kill him' the matches started and it was oikawa's turn to serve it seemed to be faster and stronger than ever before karasuno was losing by a long shot with them not only being without hinata but asahi, their ace aswell.

The practice ended with karasuno being utterly destroyed by Aoba Johsai, they didn't stand a chance. Practice was over and everyone started to crowd around hinata and asahi instead of going to the showers and getting changed.

They were all debating who should wake her up when they heard a cute noise that sounded like a kitten. They turned round to see where it came from only to see it was hinata finally waking up. She sat up while still sitting on asahi's chest and lifted her hand up to rub her eyes as she couldn't see very well. Once her vision was clearer she noticed all the teams surrounding her.

"Oh good morning everyone" she said with a sleepy smile.

"Hinata since your awake can you get off me?" Asked a voice from under her. She looked down to see asahi and that's when she realized the position they were in.

"But your so warm and cuddly like teddy" she said as she lay back down and started to cuddle with asahi making the surrounding team ooze with jealousy.

"Hinata.....who is this teddy?" Asked setter and captain of Aoba Johsai.

"Oh you guys dont know teddy? I love teddy the most hes as big as asahi and hes got brown fur and hes super soft." Hinata said with excitement. The players were a bit confused with hinatas description of teddy she diddnt make him sound very human.

"Can we see a photo of this teddy?" Kuroo asked.

"Yeah! I've only got photos of teddy with me in them though." She said rather disappointed

"Its fine so can we see?"

"Yeah!" She answered with all excitement back. She took out her phone and went to her camera roll she didn't have to look to long for a photo as her mother had took one of her and teddy the night before leaving for the camp and sent it to her. Hinata turned the phone around and showed the teams this photo.

 Hinata turned the phone around and showed the teams this photo

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(Imagine the bear is bigger and that its hinata)

Everyone started to squeal about how cute she is. "So is that teddy?"

"Yeah! I cant sleep if I don't have teddy but I left him at home by accident. I'm sorry asahi you just remind me of teddy" hinata said in a sad tone of voice.

"Its fine dont worry about it but how about we go and get ready for dinner " everyone agreed and had their dinner and went to bed

Asahi P. O. V

Once I heard about hinata not being able to sleep without teddy I couldn't get it out of my mind. I got up and walked out of the where we are staying at and walked to the closest toy store that was open.

I was walking around in the store for about 30 minutes looking for a teddy bear that looks like teddy and that's when I saw it it was teddy well it was smaller than the real teddy but it looks just like him. I bought it for hinata and made my way to her room.

I knocked on the door and hinata answered she looked super tired.

"Hey asahi how come your here?" she said in a happy tone that made me smile.

"Well I couldn't get it out of my mind of how you couldn't sleep with out teddy so I went and got you this" I held the teddy bear in front of her " I know its not as big as teddy but it's the only one that looked li-" I was cut off by hinata jumping on me for a hug.

"I love it thanks asahi your the best!" She said with tears in her eyes and a big smile.

She sat there thinking for a moment I wonder what shes thinking about then she looked up at me with a determined face.

"I want to name her after you so her name is asahi or asa~chan for short! Do you like it" she said still looking at me with determination.

"Yeah hinata I like it" i said while smiling at her. She let go of me and stood up I quickly followed her in that action.

"Goodnight hinata" I said getting ready to walk back to the room karasuno is staying.

"Wait come here for a second" she said with her face a bit red. I done as she asked and went down to her height when she quickly kissed my cheek and said "thanks agian for asa~chan I love her, your the best" with her face a cherry red colour. She turned round and ran back into  the managers room and closed the door.

It took a moment for me to process what just happened but when I did I felt my face heat up I knew I was blushing and bad at that but I didn't mind for some reason a smile formed on my face and gave no signs that it was going away soon. She is just too cute. Was all I could think as I reached our room.

When I got there I slept perfectly

1111 words

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