chapter 13

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Third  P. O. V. (Just before hinata came)

The teams were all piling into the canteen from the showers ready to eat and go to bed. When they all got their food they sat down and ate until they noticed something was missing, it was oddly what is it? quiet isn't the word it wasn't as loud as it should be. That's when they noticed a certain ball of sunshine was missing from the room.

When karasuno's team mum noticed this he took the chance to confront the other teams about hinata.

"Excuse me, would it be okay fo me to say something?" Suga asked when everyone heard this they turned their attention to sugamama.
"Okay thankyou, I just wanted to say if anyone in this room tries as much to lay a single finger on my sweet innocent hinata~chan. I will hurt you so bad you will never be able to play volleyball agian, am I clear?" He asked while striking fear into almost everyone but a few players.

Members of other teams all mustered up the courage to reply with answers such as


'Yes sir'



Followed by whispers like

'I thought he was ment to be the good one'

'Never underestimate a protective team mum'

'He's so scary'

'He's seriously terrifying'

Though the whispers were cut short as there was a loud bang of doors being slammed open and what was seen was a short orange haired female wearing a large stitch onesie with the hood up her hair falling out of the sides of her hood as she ran in and shouted "hey!" With a cheerful smile present on her face that made the males hearts to quicken from the cuteness overload.

She skipped over to karasuno's table to eat and waited excitedly for the food after she ate a team member questioned about the clothes choice she explained that kiyoko has picked out all clothes and pajamas but the others were  a bit too reveling so she decided on the stich onesie. When the boys in the canteen heard this they mentally thanked kiyoko for this and what's to come.

As if suga could sence the thoughts of the others in the room he released a deadly aura that once agian frightened the jell out of everyone except a small few and hinata who didn't realise what was going on.

The girl stood up to do an pretty accurate impression of the stich only to be insulted (he didn't mean to be rude) by a tall man that was passing to go back to his table as he was leaving his dishes in the kitchen. But after making his comment he received a binder to the face from the small orange ball of sunshine.

The room once agian scilent as the girl hid behind her taller teammates. Though the tall man did not seem angered by the sudden outburst from the girl everyone in the room was still nervous for her.

She finally worked up the courage to apologise to the man. "I....I'm sorry I didnt mean to my hand just moved in it's own. Are you okay?" She rushed trying to get the words out. The room once agian fell into silence.

"It is fine, it was my fault I didn't know it would hurt your feelings. My apologies " he said with shocked the people in the room ushijima just apologised, the ushijima.

He then turned and turned back to go to his table in which his teams sat. Hinata sighed and sat back on her chair and rested her head on the table. Everyone in the room went back to what they were doing before.

Once dinner was over everyone went back to their rooms to go to sleep. The orange haired girl lay on her bed thinking what a long day as she drifted to sleep.

Sorry this chapter is so shit

hinata turns into a girl ??Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora