chapter 6

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Hinatas p.o.v

We have been sitting here for like 5 minutes and well.....let's just say its awkward no one has said a word NO ONE not even Tanaka and noya! I was brought out of my thoughts by the creaking of the stairs my and the teams heads swiftly turned around to see where the sound came from I sighed a breath of relief when I saw it was only my mother

"Hey mom" I said to her

Everyone turned to me after hearing what I said they must have been surprised as mum looks so young

Everyone turned to me after hearing what I said they must have been surprised as mum looks so young

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///   what his mum looks like ///

"Wait that's your mum!? I thought it was your big sister!" Shouted Tanaka

My mother ignored this and started speaking "what is it that you want to do with my precious daughter?" With an evil smile

"Well we are having a training camp with other schools in tokyo and we were hoping you would give consent for hinata to come with us" coach ukai said in a calm tone

"Oh so it's that sport you love so much isnt it?" Asked my mother

"Yep it's that best!" Hinata said with a huge smile causing some of the team to blush this did not go unnoticed by mum as she began to smirk

"Well honey if you want to go so bad then you can-" everyone began to cheer "but theres one condition"

"What is it?,I'll do it!" I shouted

"Well I want you to were girls clothes" she said still smirking at me turning bright red but it wasnt just me that was I tried to make excuses to get out of it

" I dont own any and plus I wont even know how to wear them not to mention that I wont be able to do my hair"

"Its okay I can take you shoping I've actually wanted to sence you turned into a girl and I can do your hair aswell" I turned to see kiyoko was the one that said it

My mother ran up and gave her a high five while both smirking now

"Okay its settled me and kiyoko will go shoping with you tomorrow" announced my mother

I just stood there in shock

"Right, then its decided" said the coach

Ok I will be fine I can handle it it's only clothes it cant be that bad..........

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