Chapter Fourteen

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I glared at the plate of food in front of me.

"You need to eat." Lorenzo commented as he was doing the dishes.

"I'm not hungry." I stated, pushing the plate away and laying my head on the table.

The room was silent except the casual click of the dishes.

He had finished his food a long time ago.

I would have left the kitchen by now. That is if my legs wouldn't have been tied to the chair.

Things have been on edge since I punched him a few days ago.

Since he ripped my nail off.

It was healing nicely, as my injury from the piece of metal was.

There was still a slight scab on my side, kind of a decent sized one, but the edges of it have been shrinking as my skin healed.

My face was clear now. Since I scraped it on the concrete at my neighbors house.

No new injuries other than a few bruises from fighting with him.


It is untelling when he will snap again. Maybe he will rip off a few more nails next time when he does.

An agitated huff interrupted me from my thoughts.

I looked up at him as he leaned against the counter with his arms crossed, frowning at me.

All the clean dishes were put away.

"You're the most difficult woman I've ever met." He said.

"You're the most selfish ass I've ever met."I responded.

My whole body tensed as he strutted forwards towards me quickly.

I squeezed my eyes shut, fully expecting to be slapped.

My hair was tucked behind my ear and a warm hand grasped my cold chin.

I slowly opened my eyes, peeking at his facial expression to see how mad he was.

His facial expression was calm.

"Please eat something." He requested softly.

"No." I stated.

"Fruit?" He questioned hopefully.

"No." I answered once again.

I was pushing him and I knew it, yet somehow I couldn't stop myself from doing it.

"Anything?" He questioned again, remaining calm.

I sat quiet a minute.

"No." I answered lightly.


His dark brown eyes studied me carefully.

"You've lost a little weight, you know." He added.

He's not wrong.

"I'm fine." I growled.

He smiled lightly, then began undoing the ropes.

"Okay." He simply said.

I squinted at him in suspicion.

Surely something was up.

He placed the ropes on the table, grabbing my untouched plate of food and scraping the food into the trash can.

The kitchen window now had bars on the outside of it.

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