28 - The Baker's

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Lara's POV

We were still making out when my phone started going crazy with messages. I pulled away and took it out of my pocket. It was now ringing.

Zach 🐠

Flashed on the screen. I look at Monty confused and answer the phone. Still seated on the hood. Monty between my legs.

"Lara where the fuck are you?" He sounds scared. Terrified. His voice is shaking. "I'm with Monty. What's going on ?" Monty places his hands on my thighs. Rubbing them softly.

"Someone posted the tapes online. The school is a fucking mad house and Bryce's confusion just played over the fucking speakers."

I feel my eyes getting big. I push Monty slightly away so that I could jump off. This are stsrting to get out of hand pretty fucking fast.

"Who ?" He gets quiet for a moment. He yells and slams his locker shut. I jump because of his sudden outburst. "Anonymously. I'm sick of this shit Lara. Someone is threatening me. First that fucking rat in my bag and now photo's of my sister !"

I turn to look at Monty. Guilt washes over me. He's the one threatening everyone. Was it him that gave Alex a target ? The pictures of Jess ? "Zach calm down okay. I see Courtney has organized a meeting where we can strategize. I'm coming to school because it's the ribbon quitting sermon."

I can hear him breath and then the call ended. Monty turn me around. Concern on his face. I tell him everything Zach just said. "Was it you ?"

He takes a step back from me. I didn't mean it like that. Fuck. "No the rat yes. Alex target yes. Clay's newspaper yes. Tyler no. Mr Porter no. Jessica no. You never."

I walk towards him and pull him into a hug. This is all so much for me right now. I wish I can just go back to when Hannah was alive. We all could've made a different choice.

"I'm sorry for the way I said that. Who else is doing this ?" He kisses me. Run his hands through his hair. "James. Who else. He and Bryce are real tight."

I never liked him. Sucked to much up to Bryce. I'm pretty sure he has a crush on Bryce. Yeah I think he's gay but afraid to admit it.

"Okay we need a plan. Bryce can't know that you told me. I'll talk with Clay. He'll listen to me. We can fix this babe." He nods and pulls me into another hug. I pull away and get into the Jeep.

We speed off towards the school. "I need to find Jess. Make sure she is okay." He nods and gives me a quick kiss. I get out and run into the school. Bathroom.

I find her inside crying. I walk over to her and embrace her tightly. "Jess I'm so sorry I didn't believe you. I'm so so sorry." She just keeps crying in my shoulder. A few cheerleaders come in.

"Lara I'm going to be kind of late for the ribbon thing is that okay?" I just nod at her. She looks over at Jessica and turn fo leave with her friend.

Jessica pulls me away. "Everything is so fucked up. Justin is back. The tapes are out. Still I'm the fucking scared little girl." She starts crying again. We stay there for the better half of an hour.

"What made you believe me ?" I can't tell her that Monty confused to knowing. At least not yet. We have to play smart. "My gut always told me something was off with his story. Today confirmed it."

She whips her tears and we walk out the bathroom. I leave her with Alex as I go to find Clay. He is on his way to leave school when I stopped him. "We have to talk. I want to help you tell Hannah's story. Fuck I want to help Jessica."

He looks at me confused. He askes me why. At first I couldn't think of a good answer. "Because if maybe I was there for them that wouldn't have happend. If I protected them like I get protected it would have never happend."

"Clay I realized that I seriously fucked up in the past. I want to make things right. Please." He stares at me. It felt like hours before he answered.

"Now you want to help ? Fuck you Lara. Ypu need to realize what you do has consequences. Your friends define you. I have to go to Skye. She called wanting to see me."

I stand there. Well I guess I deserved ever bit off that. He hates me. Probably won't change but I'll keep trying. He gets in his car and off he goes. The ribbon cutting. I need my cheer outfit. When I got in the girls locker room they all stared at me.

I knew this would happen. What I did to Hannah was so fucked up. The truth is something like that would never happen to me because Monty would kill anyone that says something fucked up.

Outside there are so many people here to celebrate the Walkers. If only they knew. I look around for Monty. I see him standing with James. They're joking about something. I decide not to interfere.

Zach grabs my arm. Almost giving me a heart attack. "I'm taking my sister and leaving. Fuck this. I won't let her get dragged into this." Before I could stop him I see him stalk off towards them.

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