08 - Jessica Davis

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Lara's outfit for Thursday 🗽

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Lara's outfit for Thursday 🗽

Lara's POV

"Mom do you think maybe I can go to court today ?" My mom looks up from her papers. She has a question look on her face. "Why ?" I pour myself some coffee and turn towards her.

"Jess is testifying today. I would like to support her." Mom puts her paperwork in her bag and zips it up. She swallows the last bit of her coffee. "Lara, honey I don't think it's such a good idea."

She is probably right. I should just go to school and forget about it. But I can't even though things between Jess and I are rough at the moment she is still my best friend.

"Honey maybe you should cover up your marks. I don't want the lawyers to have more against you." Her voice pulls me from my thoughts. My hand reach up to my neck where Monty left marks last night. Great another thing my mom has against me.

"I'll cover them don't worry." She gives me a stern look and walks out the kitchen door. Carly is packing her things because her flight leaves tomorrow at 4.

I just wish my dad could came home. I really miss him. A beep from my phone. Clay.

Skye is in the hospital.

I almost drop my phone. Hastily I grab my bag and car keys. I'll text Monty on the way telling him not to pick me up. Fuck. I can't lose another friend.

I rush into the hospital. At the front desk I see Trudie working. "Trudie, hi. Can you tell where Skye Miller is ?" She looks up and gives me a friendly smile. "Sure she's on floor 3."

Shouting a thanks over my shoulder as I make my way up the stairs. There is no time for an elevator.

When I reached the third floor I was out of breath. I slowly start to walk to a male nurse. Trying to catch my breath. "Excuse me, I'm looking for Skye Miller ?"

The guy looked up at me. At first he just stares and the gives me an answer. "Down the hall in 28B. There is already a guy with her I assume you know ?" I nod my head and make my way down the hall.

I can hear them talking. "You already dissapeared, Clay. Every time I bring up Hannah you disappear." That stopped me in my tracks. Maybe I should give them some time. Wait out here untill it's clear.

There is a silence and then I hear footsteps. I make as if I just arrived purposely bumping into Clay. "Shit sorry. I came as fast as I could."

He looks at me and nods towards the room. "She broke up with me. Claiming I disspear from her life. I love her and she is pushing me away. It's Hannah all over again."

Before I could stop him he storms off. I take a few breaths. I need to talk to her. Slowly I make my way inside. She looks out the window. There is a pain in my heart when I see her like this.

"Clay told me you had surgery?" She turns her head towards me. I stop walking at the foot of her bed. "Mostly stitches." I put a bag of gummy bears on the table. She looks at them in suprise.

"I know you used to be addicted to them so I thought I should take a chance." A smile actually makes a way on her face. Guilt washes all over me. I flop down on the chair where her mom sat.

"Fuck, Skye, I messed up. Big time. I did this to you. If I had never .." She puts her hand out to me. I slowly take it. She swallows the lump in her throat and turns to fully face me.

"If you never started to hang out with Bryce ? Never developed a crush on Montgomery ? Maybe chose your best friends over popularity?" Tears are building up and I feel them running down my cheeks.

She softly chuckles. "Lara I never cared that you became popular. I never once gave a fuck that you had the biggest crush on the most fucked up guy. What I cared about was that you pushed me, that you pushed us away for them."

I let my head fall down in shame. I fucked up my best friendships because I wanted to fucking fit in. "Remember about a month into freshman year. You came to me. You looked like you were the definition of nervous."

I start to laugh. I remember that day so clearly. "You told me that you hate Montgomery but that you can't help but feel drawn to him. You admitted you had a crush on him. What did I tell you ?"

I finally find the courage to look at her. Smiling softly. "You said that we can't choose who we fall for. It's okay to hate him and like him." She rubbed small circles on my hand.

"All I wanted was for you to choose us. You pushed us away after dollar valentine. You started to date the guy you thought you hated. Became friends with the popular Bryce Walker. I thought, you know, you chose us once over him you'll do it again. I was wrong. What were we ? Nothing."

I need to apologize. I need to make things right with her. I can't lose her again. Damn I can't believe I choose popularity over them. "I'm so fucking sorry, Skye. If I could do it over again I would've chosen differently. I swear."

Tears were fully streaming down my face. She started to cry softly too. "Lara I need you to know that you and Clay didn't do this to me. I'm sick. It's like I have all this feelings and I can't handle them. Like I'm a visitor in my own mind."

I look up at her again. She doesn't want to die. I can see it in her eyes the way she talks. She wants the pain to go away. Some of it that I caused. Hell most of it I caused.

"You know I tried to jerk Clay off in front of his parents." She looks shocked that she tried something like that. It made me smile. She told me that which means we are working on a friendship.

"I can just imagine what he thought of it." She laughs. Like really laughs. That's when her mom return. She stopped at the door and stared at me.

"Mrs Miller, I .. I'm so sorry." She just stares at me and turn sideways. That's a sign that she wants me to leave. "Talk soon, Skye."

She gives me a small smile. I stood up and effortlessly moved pass Mrs Miller. She hates me. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind about that.

My Way To You [2] 🍀Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang