20 - Ryan Shaver

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Lara's POV

Lara's POV

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Lara's Monday outfit 🌷

After field hockey I decided to go to Monet's. It's been a long time since I've been there. I order a Americano. Taking my coffee I sit at one of the tables.

Taking out some homework I start with it. My phone rings. I turn it over and see it's Monty. I hit the decline button. Not in the mood for a conversation with him.

My phone starts beeping like crazy. Turning it over again I see 8 message's

Babe please answer

Where are you ?


Lara fuck answer your phone

Can we just talk ?

Babe, baby ..

I love you ❤

I'm sorry xx

Putting my phone done again I continue with my work. I feel a presence infront of me. When I lifted my head Jessica stood there. I immediately pushed away my stuff and offered her a seat.

"How are you ?" She smiles at me and puts her hot chocolate down. "I've been better. Chloe has just been alot to me."

This feels really awkward. "Jess I want to support you but you've got to speak with me." She looks at me again. Hesitation to speak. "Do you believe him ? Bryce."

Back to the whole "rape" thing. I roll my eyes. "Can we just move on from that please. I'm getting sick of this." She snods her head slightly and I see tears running down her face.

"I always thought the world of you. Like you are the best person around. I felt confident and sexy being your friend. Now all that is away because you once again choose Bryce over a best friend."

My shocked face must be ver t funny because she laughs again. "Bryce won't lie to me Jess. We've been friends since kindergarten." She stands up with her hot chocolate. Whips the tears away.

I try to reach out to her but she pushes me away. "This was a mistake. I shouldn't have came to talk with you. But your boyfriend is looking for you so maybe you should answer him."

I look at my phone seeing it rings again. When I looked back up I see Jessica dissapear out the door. Angry with myself and the tapes. I pick my phone up and send a text to Monty.

Leave me alone.

Packing my books I head home. Phone turned off I fall onto my bed. Grey's Anatomy is showing so I put that on. Jumping into some sweatpants I make myself comfortable with coffee and snacks. Trying to forget about Jessica and my jackass boyfriend.

 Trying to forget about Jessica and my jackass boyfriend

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Lara's comfy outfit 🥞

Bryce's POV

Sitting at the table with a glass of wine. Dad decided to join me. "You think she likes her ?" I turn and point towards Chloe and mom. I hope she approves.

"Your mother ? Yeah sure." I nod my head but listen to what he futher has to say. "Chloe is a great girl, really pretty. She is not Lara though." I see dad turn his wine glass before taking a sip. I hope they won't bring up Lara through dinner. "Yeah she has a brain to her grades are better than mine and she competes with Lara on academic level."

Dad just nods. I know he and mom wants me to date Lara. Fuck I wouldn't be against it but she'll never fucking leave Monty. Blows my mind that she is still with him. I forsure thought they wouldn't last.

He has never done a serious relationship before her. Only ever fucked around. "She loyal ?" I look up at dad. I know how much loyalty means to him. "Yeah she is." He looks me over again. Takes another sip of his wine.

"That's good. It's important. You did good." I smile at him. Happy I could do something right in his eyes. "Thanks Dad but you don't have to hide the disappointment I know you and Mom would prefer Lara."

He looks Chloe over again and then at Mom. Rhey seem to have a nice chat. Chloe looks sexy as fuck in the dress Lara gave her. "Your right we would. If you made a earlier move maybe she would be thw one having dinner with us."

I knew it would come to this. Lara would never date me. Even if Monty wasn't in the picture. She made it clear I'm a brother to her. "Dad please. I'm happy with Chloe. Don't bring up Lara because Chloe already feels insecure about herself when it comes to Lara."

Before dad could answer Chloe and Mom made their way to the table.

Before dad could answer Chloe and Mom made their way to the table

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Chloe's dress 🧭

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