05 - Courtney Crimson

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Lara's POV

"Lara we heard what happened in court yesterday. I called your father and informed him." Looking up from my cereal I see my mom dressed up before me. "You never mentioned that pictures Lara. I didn't even know you were into that stuff."

Mom sounded distant. Chewing my cereal I avoid her eyes. Carly comes in and pours herself a cup of coffee. "Lara has he ever hurted you?" This grabbed my attention.

"No mom. He would never. So what we get rough when we have sex but we never hurt one another." Carly chokes on her coffee and looks at me with big eyes. I just roll my eyes and drink te last bit of my coffee.

"Lara you have to be careful, please ?!" I just nod and kiss her cheek. A small wave for Carly and out the door I was. Monty was waiting for me outside.

I got into his Jeep and gave him a kiss. "So now my parents know about that pictures." He puts his hand on my thigh. I can see his clinched jaw. I put my hand on his and rub small circles over his knuckles. "I'm sorry Lara."

I look at him as we pull into the school parking lot. "Hey, you have nothing to be sorry for. Babe I love you. Fuck what the people or my parents say about it." I lean forward and kiss him.

" I lean forward and kiss him

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Lara's Wednesday outfit 🦔

I left Monty to go to swim practice. I needed to get my mind off this freaking trail and this mess that Tyler caused yesterday. In the girls locker room I started to get dress when Lucy and Hailey came up to me.

"How do you feel about yesterday?" I knew they would came to me. Hope that I'd pour my heart out to them and they can start rumors.

"I'm fine okay. Nothing to worry about for me." After I'm dressed I head out. There I saw Jessica holding something in her hand. Mr Porter walks up to her and they start talking.

"Hey Jessica, where have you been. We still need to celebrate." I came closer and gave her a smile. Mr Porter looks between us confused. "The squad made Jessica a flyer yesterday." He nods and congratulates her. "Asshole." I turn towards her and she looks at me.

There is something on her face, suprise? "Why'd you do that ?" I look back at Mr Porter. "I'm not the enemy Jess. Yeah you kept things from me but I'm trying okay ?" She looks at me and shuts her locker hard.

"I kept things from you ? Bullshit ! I'm the one mad Lara. Me ! I'm beyond pissed at you. Why you may ask ? Because you choose to believe Bryce FUCKING Walker over your own best friend. So I'm the one pissed here not you." She storms off and bumps my shoulder.

"Fuck babe, what was that all about ?" I turn around and find Monty, Bryce and James behind me. "She's talking shit about Bryce again." He pulls me towards him and slowly kisses me.

Jessica's POV

I rush over to Alex. "We really need to talk !" As we walk to the cafeteria I see Lara kissing Montgomery. His hands travel to her ass and she bits his lip slightly.

She was supposed to be my best friend. To support me not believe some fucking bullshit Bryce is feeding her. "Someone gave me this." I hand the note over to Alex.

Keep your FUCKING mouth shut !

I look around and see Bryce's group made there way to a lunch table. Chloe skips and goes to sit right beside Bryce. He gave her a sloppy kiss.

I get shivers down my spine from watching that. "Who do you think did it ?" I shook my head. There is so many possibilities. Alex looks over at Bryce's table. "Somehow I don't see Bryce walking into a sex shop or putting notes in lockers."

Chloe stares at me. It looks like she's trying to tell me I should back off Bryce's her man. I feel sick all of a sudden. Remembering how his hands traced my body.

"What about Chloe?" Alex look at Chloe and shakes his head drastically. "She has smart classes but she does stupid things. I don't think she'll have that kind of ideas"

My mind starts to drift. Would Lara do something like this ? She believes Bryce. She thinks I cheated and now I regret it by playing it off as rape. Somehow I don't see her changing her mind soon.

Courtney's POV

"I started rumors about Hannah and the truth got really twisted." My voice is cracking and my breathing unsteady.

My parents look so proud of me. I can't screw this up. I must excel. The Baker's lawyer stepped forward. "Tell me about your friendship with Hannah?"

I swallow the lump in my throat. "Not really a friendship she came to me for help. With a stalker now known as Tyler Down." The lawyer nodded his head with every word. "The picture that went around of you and Hannah did it start any rumors?"

I nod my head. "Yes it did." My dad gave me a thumbs up and some of the nerves disappeared. "I'm I right when I say that the school did nothing about these rumors?" So far so good. No hard questions yet.

I have a feeling the other lawyer won't be so kind. "No they didn't." The Baker's lawyer goes to sit down while the schools lawyer prepare for her turn.

"Courtney did that kiss mean anything to you ?" I bit my lip and shake my head. "No I was just a simple meaningless kiss. All the girls do it." The lawyer turns towards the jury.

"So why did you spread the rumors of Hannah if it was meaningless? Because I have proof that shows otherwise. It shows Hannah kissed you back ?"

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